Saturday, February 27, 2021

A New Hope - CPAC

"Yes, there is much to talk about this weekend. The frosting on the cake will be President Trump speaking tomorrow. Already on Friday, I heard speakers which really woke (not 'Woke') me up. Fired me up."

I love the CPAC convention. It is red meat for us conservative carnivores. And, oh did we need it this year! Many of us have been walking around like we had PTSD. Some even have that "thousand yard stare". I mean, things were going along so well, with a President so strong (not even Covid could defeat him), and then came the November election. Normally, one would think it impossible to see a man like Donald Trump lose to a failed candidate with dementia. But these are not normal times.

Since January of this year, we have lost Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh. Talk about two body blows, back to back. That being said, the men may be gone, but their message remains. And I love the message for the CPAC this year. "America uncancelled". Amen to that!

This is the year for us to really grow, and grow up. We have seen all the warts and bruises that exist on the other side. We have seen how dirty they fight. How they cheat. How they demean. How they "cancel". I will admit, they caught many of us a bit flat footed. Mostly because of their brazenness this past year. They reached a new low many of us did not think possible. But we have gotten up, brushed off the dust, and are getting re-fueled down in Florida this weekend. 

Late last night, the House (led by the often tipsy Ms. Nancy), passed the "Covid Relief" bill, valued at $1.9T. This is the bill which has about 10% allocated for Covid, and the other 90% for Democrat pork projects. It is disgusting. It is the Jabba the Hut of crap. Bloated and useless. The House has also passed HR1. That is the first bill of this new House session. This is the one which allows people to be either a man or a woman, depending on how the wind is blowing that day. In reality, it is a gift to pedos, and a killing blow to Title IX sports. Wait - I thought that Democrats favored women's sports. That they should be as important as men's sports. Oh, that was so yesterday!

Yes, there is much to talk about this weekend. The frosting on the cake will be President Trump speaking tomorrow. Already on Friday, I heard speakers which really woke (not "Woke") me up. Fired me up. Reconfirmed by beliefs. BTW - it you get a chance to hear Senator Josh Hawley's speech, it is well worth the time. 

It is time folks. Time to take back our country. And this weekend is the first step. The first step on a journey which will end in November 2022. That is when we take back the House and the Senate. Slo Joe or Commie Harris may still be in the White House, but when we take back Congress, we will mute their faux powers. Ladies and gentlemen - start your engines!


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