Monday, February 8, 2021

Payback might be a Bi(den) itch!

"This is part of your Great Reset. We understand. You are changing everything, including how our government operates. Not our choice to follow suit, but you left us with no choice."

Oh, to go back in time to the Obama Administration. All the BS we let he and Biden get away with. Let's not forget Clinton and Kerry also, when they served as Obama's SOS. And of course, Obama's "wingman", Eric Holder as his AG. Plus Loretta Lynch when Holder left. And Susan Rice at the UN. Oh, to live those days again, with today's "burn it all down" Democratic philosophy.

After Donald Trump, we have seen the last normal Presidency. How the Democrats treated President Trump, is without precedence. A new low was reached. The stage was set for hate and acrimony going far into the future. And now Biden, who is a faux President, is off and running trying to look like Obama 3.0. And the continued disrespect for our 45th President is not going un-noticed. Not by me, and not by tens of millions citizens and patriots.

Our message to Biden? Careful sir - payback might be a bitch. We have learned quite a bit from watching how you guys operate. As is said in Nordeast Minneapolis, if you are going to throw a bag of poop out of the front window, make sure your back window is rolled up. And Biden - you windows are wide open. 

Plus this stunt that your socialists in Congress pulled, by throwing Representative Green off her committee assignments, that is going to come back and bite you a hundred times over. Do we agree with some of the nutty things she said prior to running for Congress? Of course not. But we are the party of free speech. The First and Second Amendments are near and dear to our hearts. But since the bar has now been lowered, when we take back the House in 2022 (and we will), many of your ilk, including your Veep, will be tossed for the same sin. You set the bar that low - we did not. 

Who is going to be the first to get tossed in Congress? Our own Omar, who may have committed more crimes than can be counted. We were ginger on her before - did not want to be called a racist, islamophobe, or whatever. But no more. The bar has been set low by the Democrats. If we find out any in your party even spit on the sidewalk when they were six years old, we are coming after them. Toss them off committees, and then maybe out of the government. 

Meanwhile, the socialists are going full bore with the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump this week. Again, we are paying attention and taking notes. Biden will not allow Trump, a former President, to be privy to any classified briefings (a practice which has gone on for years). Okay. We get it. But once again - you lowered the bar. We did not. Once we get Biden and Harris out of the White House, they will NEVER get another briefing. Why? Don't trust them. Same words Biden said about Trump.

This is part of your Great Reset. We understand. You are changing everything, including how our government operates. Not our choice to follow suit, but you left us with no choice. Once in power, we will not only call your bet, but also raise the ante. Payback? You asked for it. Over and over again. You set the table, now don't bitch about the menu.


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