Monday, February 1, 2021

Dumbest. Move. Ever.

"For the Democrats, it is playing high stakes poker with only a pair of duces in their hand. This will end poorly for them, and it could not happen to a better bunch of misfits."     

Actually, they can't. Can't what? Congress, under the spell of Ms. Nancy, cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. I mean, if you believe half of what the medical professionals are telling us, we are on the cusp of the first "wave" of the Brazilian variant of the Covid virus. And this one is giving the experts pause to be concerned. How bad are the UK and Brazilian variants? The UK has 1/5 of our population, and now has more people in hospital beds with Covid than we have.

But who cares? We have bigger fish to fry, said the 80 year old fossilized Speaker of the House. "We have to impeach Donald Trump for a second time!", the wicked witch of the west croaked out. A sane voice spoke up - "But Madam Speaker - is he not already out of office? What good would this do?" Nancy turned to face this impudent little pup. Her botoxed face turning red and quivering. Then with a voice sounding more like a snake than a human, she hissed out, "I will spit on his grave! I hate this man so much, I don't give a damn how much time, effort and money this takes! Everything else can wait!"

Now, if I were giving Nancy Pelosi counsel, and if she would listen to it, I would tell her the truth. The potential gain to be made in an impeachment trial, would cost every ounce of her, and the rest of the Democrats, political capital. And it would result in nothing.

Donald Trump could care less about this charade. He has done nothing wrong. That is why there were no witnesses in the House impeachment - there was no evidence. No proof. This entire kabuki theater was no more than a "spit on his grave" exercise in futility.

Meanwhile, by the end of the month, this temporary respite we are having from the ravages of Covid might be over. But who cares? The man who ran as the "Covid Fixer" President, is focused on everything but. Between Pelosi focusing on this sham impeachment trial, and Biden focusing on re-engineering capitalist American into something unrecognizable, the pandemic could exact a terrible toll. 

Back to this impeachment thing. From a Republican viewpoint, it is all upside. They continue to look like the adults in the room. For Trump, being twice impeached by a the same bunch of morons, and then acquitted both times in the Senate, will push his (political) stock up even higher.

For the Democrats, it is playing high stakes poker with only a pair of duces in their hand. This will end poorly for them, and it could not happen to a better bunch of misfits.     

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