Monday, February 15, 2021

Who will be the next "Swamp Drainer"?

"What we have seen since this faux election, the swamp is deep and wide. Much deeper and wider than we once thought. Time to clean house and take our country back. Step one is taking back the House in 2022." 

Now that the second impeachment (and acquittal) of Donald Trump is over, it is time to move on. To focus on 2022. I know, I know - we also need to fix our broken election system, so the Democrats don't cheat us again.

Lindsey Graham was on a Sunday news show talking about the latest impeachment trial, as well as his recent conversation with President Trump. The good news? Donald Trump is ready to re-engage. Ready to help with 2022. That is bad news for the blue team.

But what about the red team? Where does that leave the Republican Party? The Party of Lincoln? Most of us already know this, but the Republican Party has split into two separate parties. One part of the party is the party of Mitt Romney. The establishment party. Or as some call it, the "uniparty" of Washington. Go along, get along party. No values, no standards, no spine.

The other part of the Republican Party is the party of Donald J. Trump. He has taken the party of Ronald Reagan and raised it up a notch or two. This is the party of the establishment disruptors. The turning over the tables in the temple party. The "swamp drainer" party. The party which looks upon our Constitution the same way the Founders did.

Is it possible that Donald Trump could run for President again? Sure, but I hope not. Not that he was not effective and got tons of stuff done, but the Democrats will burn the town down if he comes back. We need a Trump 2.0 type of person. One who has the passion and vison of Donald Trump, with maybe some smoother edges. One who can woo some of the suburban "Karen's", back to our party once again.

This past impeachment "trial" was two steps beyond farcical. Republicans in the House who voted to impeach, and Republicans in the Senate who voted to convict (throw Mitch in with that group), need to update their resumes and think about what they will do next. For this party to go forward, we need to give people something to vote FOR - not just the "uniparty" of Washington. We need solid, principal centric people, who can clearly articulate the conservative message. They are out there - we just need to bring them forward into the light.

What we have seen since this faux election, the swamp is deep and wide. Much deeper and wider than we once thought. Time to clean house and take our country back. Step one is taking back the House in 2022. Then we can impeach Harris for her real crimes with BLM. 

The old Chinese proverb is that many hands lessen the load. Time to get those hands activated. That is all.  

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