Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The man who should be king

"For those who support this faux impeachment, you need to come back to reality. It will be very hard to get a quality person to run for President again, if this is the kind of treatment they will receive. We will be stuck with professional tools and losers like Slo Joe." 

Who those who are in the anti-vaccination crowd, you might want to skip this one. However, if you are in the pro-Trump crowd, you DON'T want to miss this one. If you are an anti-vaxxer and also pro-Trump, then I don't know what you should do. In any event, I am now going to "let er' rip"! 

What I am going to say now, is something many also realize. Donald J. Trump, in his four years, did many wonderful things for this country. However - the one which will have the most impact for years to come, is Project Warp Speed. If you believe the doctors or not, here is what the majority of them are saying right now. Covid-19 is starting to mutate. Not uncommon for viruses. The only thing which can slow down this mutation, is herd immunity, given to us by millions being vaccinated. 

Without Project Warp Speed, we would be in a real jam right now. Even with Warp Speed, it is going to be nip and tuck to see how many folks can have needles in their arms before the UK, Brazilian, or South African variants become huge problems. Many doctors now believe that having as much vaccine available as we do now, will save countless lives. Ameliorate suffering of millions, who might end up in an ICU. When all is said and done, my belief is historians will be very kind to Donald Trump on this issue. It is his crowning achievement.

Now here is the irony, and I mean irony. This morning, the impeachment trial of Donald Trump will begin. Sound and fury based on nothing. Many of the buttheads who are prosecuting this trial, have been given the vaccine, which was brought to all of us compliments of Project Warp Speed. Donald Trump did nothing wrong to deserve this trial - other than telling his supporters to peacefully march over to the Capitol Building and let Congress know what was happening in this election was wrong. 

Here is what should be happening today. Donald Trump should still be President, since he beat Biden by over 10 million votes. Congress should be holding hearings, trying to decide what kind of award they should bestow on this President for his foresight and courage, to push Warp Speed as hard as he did. Instead, this ungrateful bunch of misfits and losers, want to further punish this fine man. SMH. 

For those who support this faux impeachment, you need to come back to reality. It will be very hard to get a quality person to run for President again, if this is the kind of treatment they will receive. We will be stuck with professional tools and losers like Slo Joe. It saddens me to think we get the kind of government we deserve. We sure don't deserve Joe Biden.

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