Thursday, February 11, 2021

Unfixable, Bought, and "Stoopid"!

"There you have it folks. In a very short period of time, we have gone from MAGA to MAS (Make America 'Stoopid'). Even though many of us believe Biden cheated his way into the White House, there are millions of blue pill takers who voted for this moron."

This morning I was watching an article about a bunch of AGs from various states who just sent a letter to Biden about the foolish (or "stoopid") things he has done in the short time since becoming President. Things which make no sense. Like, stopping construction on the southern border wall. And deactivating much of the power and authority that ICE and the Border Patrol have. This softening of our border security may be paybacks to some of Biden's socialist and goofy supporters, but they are deadly dangerous to our country. Why can't Biden see this? Because he is not only bought and paid for, he is "stoopid".

As President, he is supposed to be looking out for the welfare of HIS people - not folks from all over the globe. For those who have not figured this out as yet, let me help. If immigrants and refugees voted 80% or higher for Republicans once they became US citizens, Biden would make the southern wall 100 feet higher. Like, nobody would get in. But since most immigrants and refugees like the Santa Clause in the Democratic Party, most all vote blue. That is why Biden wants our borders to be soft. If it hurts American citizens - live with it.

One of the other things Biden did which makes zero sense, is cancelling the XL Pipeline. Hey Joe, you moron! The oil is still going to be extracted and moved from Canada into the US. Only now it will have to be moved by riskier and more expensive methods, like rail or truck. All Biden did by cancelling the XL Pipeline, is throw thousands of American and Canadian blue color workers out of a job. But don't worry - Joe said they can go over to China and help build windmill blades. 

Joe and the socialists want our country to be "carbon neutral" by 2050. Because the biggest carbon polluters on the globe will not make that pledge, we will be at a huge economic disadvantage. Now, do I think this country will eventually be carbon neutral. Sure - sometime this century when the technology is there. But not now. To unilaterally give up our fossil fuels, would be like a gunfighter to unilaterally give up his six shooter right before a gun fight. This would be nuts. But as most of us have known for years, Slo Joe ain't too bright.

In is blizzard of over 50 executive actions so far, he has also allowed men to compete as women in woman's sports. Huh? What sense does that make??? Quite a bit for Mr. "Owned by everybody and everything." This will appease the less than 1% TG crowd. Never mind it will probably kill woman's sports. Like I said, Joe is a bit on the "stoopid" side.

There you have it folks. In a very short period of time, we have gone from MAGA to MAS (Make America "Stoopid"). Even though many of us believe Biden cheated his way into the White House, there are millions of blue pill takers who voted for this moron. We traded in Donald Trump, a "fixer" who has a rough and tough manner, for this nitwit. 

Congress - get out of that shame impeachment trial and GO DO YOUR DAMN JOB! You are letting Slo Joe turn this country into a Mao like dictatorship.   

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