Thursday, February 18, 2021

Dark hearts in their darker world...

"Rush Limbaugh was a good man. A smart man. A gifted man. The only hate that Rush had in his heart, was for things which could harm this great country. He love America. He loved Americans. He loved what this country could do - how exceptional it is." 

Rush had barely drawn his last breath, when the haters came out. You know who I am talking about. They never really go away. They are there, at the ready, to spew their venom on whomever just passed away - as long as that person is a conservative. Why would they do that? Every person who passes is either a husband, wife, father, mother, child or grandparent. Where does this hate come from? Stand by - the answer is really very simple.

Listening to a man of God a few years ago, he said something very profound. "Guard your hearts and your souls. You only have one heart and one soul, and you must protect it from turning dark." And how does that happen? By turning from God. The Democrat (now socialist) party, has long ago let God know that He is not welcomed anymore. Once you throw God out of your heart, evil is quick to come in and occupy it. When that happens, the heart turns dark quickly.

Rush Limbaugh was a good man. A smart man. A gifted man. The only hate that Rush had in his heart, was for things which could harm this great country. He love America. He loved Americans. He loved what this country could do - how exceptional it is. In all the years I listened to Rush, I never heard him say he hated anyone. Sure, he hated socialism for what it did to people, but he never hated a person.

Rush protected his heart by having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Yes, it really is that simple. He lived a blessed life, and many times thanked God for those blessings. The left on the other hand, have been posting some things so vile about Rush, they are beyond obscene. To post some very hatful and hurtful things like that, is beyond being un-American. It is almost like being beyond human. 

But all the hatred, vile and invective which is being spewed by the left right now cannot hurt Rush. Rush lives with God in His Holy Kingdom. It can't hurt the people who loved Rush. Why? Hate is a boomerang emotion. Hate always comes back to hurt the hater much more than the hated. That hate will reside and fester in the dark heart of the hater, until that hate becomes self directed. 

It has often been said, that hate is the battery acid of the soul. I could not agree more. All we can do with the secular humanists who spew this type of hatred, is to hope and pray that someday they will accept the Lord's mercy and forgiveness. For without that, their dark hearts will not only lead to darker lives while on Earth, but a much darker life thereafter.  

1 comment:

  1. I'd guess the "secular humanists"wouldn't endorse so much hatred. otherwise they wouldn't keep the "humanist" label. But various secular/left types are happy to hate those they disagree with, & "dark hearts" may describe them well.
