"If we decide now we want to get rid of the 2A, it will take a Constitutional change. And that will be very hard. But it was suppose to be hard. That is why our Framers made it so."
Last week was a tough one, once again. A school shooting. A kid, an 18 year old kid, went into an elementary school, and murdered over two dozen students and two adults. It took about fifteen nanoseconds for the gun grabber-in-chief, and this Democrat minions, to blame the NRA for this tragedy. Not the shooter. Not what caused the shooter to go off the rails - but blame the NRA.
The picture I pasted above is there for a point. This was taken in 1967, when some 17 or 18 year old boys, were awarded certificates for years of service in the YMCA. Doing what? Being alone with elementary school age boys. After school, to play games in the gym, in a YMCA wholesome kind of way. There was never a worry about any kind of misconduct. Certainly not that any harm could come to the boys at the hands of these older teens. So what has happened from 1967 to today?
Many folks in my generation remember bringing hunting rifles to school in the back of their pickup trucks. So they could hunt after school. Others remember having a shooting range in the basement of the junior high or high school. Guns were not the problem, or a problem back then. Gun safety was taught, so as young men grew, they could handle fire arms the right way.
Today, for reasons which escape me, the switch has been flipped. School shootings, and the threats of school shootings, have become a stain on our national character. Not only do we not know how to stop it, many are flummoxed as to why it is happening. Killing of our most precious, our young innocent children, is a crime so heinous, it is hard to even discuss.
Right now, we don't even have the national resolve to harden our schools. To make them safe from all dangers, including this new phenomenon of older kids killing younger kids with fire arms. The chattering class on the left, does not want cops with side arms present in schools. They also don't want trained and armed teachers in the schools. Thus many of our schools have become killing fields, just waiting to happen. Like what happened in Uvalde, Texas. Or Sandy Hook. Or Columbine.
Getting rid of, or watering down our Second Amendment, will not fix this problem. It will only punish innocent and law abiding gun owners. Until we get serious about finding the reasons on why the "switch can be flipped" on some of our young people, we are on a fool's errand. As our VP always says, "We need to find the root cause to this issue." On that point, I agree with her.
One final point about our Second Amendment. Love it or hate it, the Framers put it into our Constitution for a reason. The additive "shall not be infringed" was also put in there for a reason. It was our checkpoint against tyranny. Period. Not hunting. Not target shooting. It was a checkpoint against tyranny.
If we decide now we want to get rid of the 2A, it will take a Constitutional change. And that will be very hard. But it was suppose to be hard. That is why our Framers made it so.