Sunday, May 22, 2022


"Keep your fingers crossed the Democrats in the House will finally do the right thing. And Walz signs this into law. But this might be a big ask. We are asking Democrats to change their spots. To be human beings. To be citizens. Like I say, keep your fingers crossed." 

During the run-up to the last Governor's election, I watched (it was painful), a debate between Walz and this two Democrat competitors. The question of taxing seniors on their Social Security came up. It was directed at Walz. It was a plain question - no chance for mistaken meaning. Walz thought for a minute, and said, "We can certainly look at it." I looked over at my wife and uttered an invective - one I would rather not put in this post. He was full of crap on this issue. He was then, and he is now. 

I have addressed this issue DOZENS of times before. And I will say this one more time - why this has become a partisan issue, is way beyond me. If we are lucky, we ALL grow old, and can collect Social Security. It should not be taxed by the federal nor state. The federal tax on Social Security - we will probably never win that battle. But more and more states are seeing the folly of taxing their seniors on Social Security. In fact, many blue states who still tax their seniors, are losing their grey population. The seniors are moving to retirement friendly states - and Minnesota is not one of them.

HOWEVER - the Senate has passed a bill which looks like the House could sign on to. This bill FINALLY fixes the immoral Social Security issue this state still has. We can be like Iowa, Wisconsin, South Dakota, and North Dakota. But - the Democrats are already crying foul at not taxing our seniors. "That is unfair!", they bellow. "They don't need the money!", cry many who have more than one residence and four cars. Maybe we should also look at these limo liberals, and tell them what they need to live on. The rest, we will take.

If this thing dies in the House, the seniors in this state will remember it with a vengeance come November. That will be the last straw. These socialist boot lickers are out to destroy everything good in this state. In a state awash with money, we can't even educate our kids anymore. Only indoctrinate them.

But seniors are an easy target for the equity crowd. Democrats blame the dismal outcomes of government schools on seniors, because they have too much money. Never mind the fact the seniors worked for that money. Paid a boatload of taxes along the way. Paid a boatload of taxes to support a failed education system in Minnesota. And now the Democrats want more of our money. Taxation this way, is theft. Pure and simple.

By the way - living in Biden's America, where the inflation rate is approaching 10%, is not easy. Seniors, like the rest of us, need all the help we can get. But wait - because the Democrats are mismanaging the nation's economy, the state Democrats think paying Social Security taxes is fair? On what planet? 

Keep your fingers crossed the Democrats in the House will finally do the right thing. And Walz signs this into law. But this might be a big ask. We are asking Democrats to change their spots. To be human beings. To be citizens. Like I say, keep your fingers crossed. 

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