Monday, May 16, 2022

"Living rent free, in their heads..."

"Donald Trump may or may not be our next President. It will not matter much to Biden and Pelosi. They will hate on him if he is our next President, or remains a former President." 

Time for another famous Rush quotes. When he would get the libs spitting mad, they would talk about Rush and call him names. Even though Rush did nothing to deserve it (except tell the truth). Rush would often play a sound bite, with a Democrat saying something outlandish about Rush. To which, Rush would reply, "I continue to live rent free, in their heads...".

Oh, how the left hated Rush. But they could never lay a glove on him. He had the left tied up in knots, over and over and over again. I never thought I would EVER see someone who could cause such indigestion and consternation. But now we have Donald Trump. Remember him? Our 45th President who ran the country the right way? He is gone, but far from being forgotten. How so?

The Ultra MAGAs (that is us)! The MAGA King (that would be President Trump). Slo Joe and his puppet masters, set up a commission to come up with a new name for Trump and his people. Spending lots of $$$ and time, they needed a name so vile, it would besmirch Trump and Trumpsters for good. One small problem. Donald Trump LOVES the term MAGA King! He wears it with pride. And those of us who were called deplorables by Hillary (and wore that term proudly), are even happy with being called Ultra MAGA types! Well done Slo Joe - well done!

But Slo Joe and his merry band of socialists are not the only ones who live in Donald Trump's head. We need to remember our very youthful, Speaker of the House - Ms. Nancy. This past weekend, she referred to Donald Trump as "that creature". That creature? Like the creature from the black lagoon? What the what was she talking about? 

Why do these two practicing Catholics (who by their faith should know better), have such a seething hatred for Donald Trump. It seriously reminds me of grade school, where kids would think very hard, to come up with names to call someone which would be the most hurtful. Most adults, many years prior, have practiced "sticks and stones". That being said, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are acting like kids on a playground. Meanwhile, they exist rent free, in Donald Trump's head.

Donald Trump may or may not be our next President. It will not matter much to Biden and Pelosi. They will hate on him if he is our next President, or remains a former President. And why does the left hate Trump with such venom? For the same reason they hated Rush. Both Rush and Trump made monkeys out of those on the left, and they had no way to stop it.  


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