Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Confessions of an "Ultra MAGA"

"But this Ultra MAGA name, this is one I really like! So much so, I am going to wear this one right into the 2022 midterms and 2024 general election."   

100%. He nailed it. We now have a new moniker. I never really cared for being a deplorable. And the white supremacist thing, wore thin real fast. But Ultra MAGA? I think I am loving this one! Sounds almost like a super hero of sorts. And Donald Trump, who made the term MAGA famous, has got to be grinning from ear to ear!  

Anita Dunn, another retread from the Obama years, has joined the astute Ron Klaine to be another puppet master for our national puppet (Slo Joe). Rumor has it, that the term "Ultra MAGA" was her idea. Brilliant! Awesome! Well done Padawan! Now Slo Joe can blame EVERYTHING on the Ultra MAGAs. Like what you might ask? Inflation for a starter. Higher taxes. Our energy woes. Sun spots. Anything which is going bad right now, is the fault of the 75 million or so who supported Donald Trump. 

Well, here is my confession. I am an Ultra MAGAer (and proud of it). What do I believe in besides God Almighty? I believe in the power of human life, no matter what stage it is in, while living in the womb. I believe in energy independence - in other words, "drill baby, drill". I believe in making as much stuff as we can right here in America. I believe in a strong national defense, and a Defense Department doing things the right way (hint: not like in Afghanistan). I believe in law and order, and respecting our law enforcement. There are more, but I will stop here.

Someone on the news this morning had an interesting observation for Biden. If Biden wants to be great, if he wants to get things done, if he wants to really help out the American people - he need only do one thing. Opposite. Everything he is doing, just do the opposite. That would be a positive step towards having a better legacy.

Rush would always say, "When they start calling you names, you know you have won the argument." Amen to that sir. The left is good at calling us names. Trying to diminish us. We just laugh it off, and wear those names with pride. But this Ultra MAGA name, this is one I really like! So much so, I am going to wear this one right into the 2022 midterms and 2024 general election.   

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