Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The continuation of the "Untied" States of America...

"We are in a mess of historic proportions. There is no other way to describe it. How is the summer going to go? Not well for many. With gasoline at $4.25 and climbing, and diesel over $5.00 - not a lot of fun this summer in the offing."

Obama started it. And it has continued ever since. The left wants this nation divided. Sliced and diced. So instead of the United States of America, we have been, and still are, becoming the "untied" states of America. Black and white. Red and blue. Pro-choice or pro-life. Rich or poor. Capitalist or socialist. Republican or Democrat. Fossil fuels or renewable. Blah, blah, blah.

We are in a heck of a fix right now. Where is our "off ramp"? No clue. We are stuck with supply chain issues, a pandemic which will not go away, an un-forecasted and now a protracted war in Ukraine, Jimmy Carter type of inflation, and now food shortages. Our leadership, the ones who could possibly lead us out of this morass, are either out to lunch, or just plain out of it totally. 

So what can we do? What have we become good at? Snipping at each other. Yelling at each other. Hating on each other. Now we have the upcoming Roe decision. The "mob" has resorted to doxxing (again), protesting with vulgar vigor (again), and destruction (again). Sounds like another fun summer coming up. 

The latest issue which has come up is baby formula. Seems if we can't kill our unborn in the womb, now we can starve them once they are born. Wait - what? What in the world do you mean? Love him or hate him, Donald Trump was right. Get our stuff back in this country. Make our own things. Why is there a baby formula shortage right now? Because almost half of it is made in China. And part of China is "shut down", due to another variant of Covid. Who is responsible for so many things being made offshore? Look in the mirror. 

Today, our President is going to explain to the American people what he will do about inflation. I might have to make some popcorn to watch this one. What can he do? EVERYBODY knows the answer to that one. Even Biden. But he won't do it. He is still too cowed by the greenies. So - we will do nothing. No more drilling. Just like Jimmy Carter, when (instead of drilling more), when he told us to "Turn down our thermostats to 60 degrees, and wear a cardigan sweater", Biden will do nothing.

We are in a mess of historic proportions. There is no other way to describe it. How is the summer going to go? Not well for many. With gasoline at $4.25 and climbing, and diesel over $5.00 - not a lot of fun this summer in the offing. Lessons learned? Same as always. Elections have consequences. And the consequence of having Biden as President, is huge. 


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