Friday, May 6, 2022

Is there anybody REALLY in charge?

"Can we make it until November for the midterms? Heck, I am wondering sometimes if we can make it until tomorrow. Donald Trump has never looked so good as right now. Without Biden, Trump looked great - with Biden following Donald Trump, Trump looks absolutely stellar."

I almost choked on my coffee the other day when I read that OUR government was bragging about how we helping to kill Russian generals. At first glance, I thought that news story had have come from a satire piece, like the Onion. Nope. I kept hearing it, and seeing it, on other main stream news outlets. At that point I wondered if someone in the DOD had taken leave of their senses. I mean, what a dumb ass thing to do. If it were true or not, why poke the bear? Does Biden really want a shooting war with a nuclear power? Is he nuts? Well, I guess we already know the answer to that one!

Then we have our economy. What Biden does not understand, since he has never worked outside the gravy train of government, is the economy takes a whole lot of care and feeding to ensure it grows and is healthy. Biden, along with his "wokesters" and hipsters from academia, are driving us right into a major recession. Maybe even with stagflation. AND - the Fed is not helping. Raising the basic points by .5 yesterday was too little, too late. We are headed for Jimmy Carter interest rates. If you are heavily invested in the stock market - buckle up.

In less than a month, Title 42 will expire. That means upwards of 18,000 illegals per day will be crossing our southern border. It is (and will be) so bad, the State of Texas is considering declaring an invasion. Republican leaders (and some Democrats) from all over the country are begging Joe Biden to keep Title 42 in place. He won't. Why not? Because even though Biden has "bats in his belfry", he still knows one thing - he is still owned by the Squad

Also this weekend, was yet another head scratcher from Slo Joe. After the "leak" about the Roe decision from SCOTUS, instead of castigating the "leaker", Biden decided to go after Trump supporters. Huh? Said the MAGA crowd was the most dangerous thing since the days of Genghis Kahn. So in one week, Biden managed to really piss off the Russians, and alienate half the country's electorate. All that while driving the economy into the ditch, and letting an invasion happen on our southern border. 

Can we make it until November for the midterms? Heck, I am wondering sometimes if we can make it until tomorrow. Donald Trump has never looked so good as right now. Without Biden, Trump looked great - with Biden following Donald Trump, Trump looks absolutely stellar. But then again, if Biden had followed Jimmy Carter, Carter would have looked like a pretty good President. 

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