Monday, October 13, 2014

A millstone around the neck


"This President has become as welcome as a skunk at a garden party..."

This joke is this: What is more toxic? The Ebola Virus, or being associated with the President? It seems more and more now, people are starting to see who the man behind the curtain really is. Even the very liberal Elizabeth Warren took a hard shot yesterday at the Obama Administration in Salon magazine. "They protected Wall Street. Not families who were losing their homes. Not people who lost their jobs. And it happened over and over and over." Ouch! From Democrat to Democrat, that was a toaster burn!

Everyone is starting to develop distance away from this President. His popularity continues to drop, even in some blue states. Whether it is foreign policy, the economy, his veracity, or whatever he has his fingers in, more and more of the people are not liking the product he is selling. Look for Hillary (with the help of her wandering husband) to also start to "pile on". I think her recent book was only the first salvo of the war to come.

Truthfully, I knew BHO was in big, big trouble when Jimmy Carter recently (and publically) came out and almost used the word "inept" to describe the President's efforts in handling ISIL. This is coming from the man who botched up the rescue of the Iranian hostages in the 1970's. This comes from the man, who decades ago, put the word "malaise" into our lexicon. This comes from the man until just recently, many thought we would go down as the worst President in modern times. No more - he is now firmly in second place.

The latest polls were discussed on a Sunday talk show. My, oh my! What a "switcheroo" in some of these polls! Even some Democratic pollsters and pundits are conceding that unless there is a "October surprise", Republicans will probably take over the Senate. The only thing I found depressing about the new poll numbers was our contested Senate seat was not making the list. In other words, pollsters on both sides are thinking we are stuck with "97% Al" for another next six years.

Another commentator recently said the problem with Obama is he is the opposite of Clinton. Bill Clinton, even with all his flaws, loved politics and liked most people. Barack Obama on the other hand, may love campaigning, but hates politics and likes very few people. Hard to get things done when that is your world view.

Hopefully during the last two years of this term, the Republicans can be smart and savvy enough to start to undo some of the damage which has been done in the past six years. It won't be easy. The President's veto pen will be at the ready. But they have to do it. The future of the Republic is at stake. This might be our last best chance.  

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