Thursday, October 16, 2014

"Close the damn borders!"


"Does anyone have any idea of what we are doing right now? WAKE UP AMERICA!"

No, that is not my quote. I wish it was. I really don't use invectives on my Facebook nor my blog postings. However, I can't take it any longer. I was just informed that a young person from my area overdosed on heroin. Chalk that up to one more young person who will not see his or her life unfold because of the poison the drug cartels are pushing ACROSS our borders. Close the damn borders! Dry up the supply! This poison is killing our youth!

I am not a debater, but I would love to debate someone who advocates keeping the borders open. We are letting in undocumented people, drugs, drug mules, and maybe terrorists. In the very near future we may also be letting in people who carrying in one of scariest diseases known to man - Ebola.

This man, our President, we elected because he makes some of us feel good. However, he is going to put us all in danger. That is unless he reads the tea leaves. Terrorists world wide know our southern border is an easy walk over. The drug cartels also know that, all over Mexico. Now sex traffickers are also a new menace on our border.

However, the real menace is yet to come. According to our Southern Command, when the Ebola virus escapes it's Africa containment, the southern border will be the main highway in to our country. Infected people will be coming up through South America, Central America and then through Mexico. It will be tantamount to an invasion.

If we had the common sense, we would close our borders and prohibit flights coming in from "hot zones". If we did that, we would be safer today. If we continue to keep our borders open, as well as allowing flights to land here from African "hot zones", well we might have sealed our own fate.

We cannot remain silent any longer. Even though we re-elected this man, he needs to know the danger we are in. If he does not know that, we have to remind him. Ebola kills. Some say 50%, some say 70%, and some say it might even hit 90%. All I know is this - when one person dies, especially a young person, from either from poison in drugs or a deadly virus, it is one too many. Even though the title of this article is not my quote, I will parrot it. "Close the damn borders!" And do it today.

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