Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Ebola Mess

"It even looks evil..."

What in the world is going on? How could this have happened? Even though we have been warned by some (not our government), it seems one of the scariest diseases ever has hit our shores. And now it appears that Texas might not be the only beach head - there also might be a case in Hawaii. Coincidence or the start of a huge problem?

The "patient zero" in Texas may have had contact with 80 people when he started to become infectious. And that number does not include the hundreds he was in contact with on two planes and airports before he became "technically" infectious.

I for one am very tired of hearing the soothing voice of "comfort" coming out of our government or CDC. I thought we had the safeguards in place to ensure this dreaded disease would never make it to the US. Really? People have been exposed to "patient zero". Kids have been exposed to him. Kids are being held out of school.

As a nation, how prepared are we for a major outbreak of an infectious disease? The answer I am afraid is not very. Some of us who a bit long in the tooth remember the outbreak of the Swine Flu. We were not prepared at all. A vacine was put together in a hurry that did more harm than good. Some developed Guillain-Barre Syndrom. In any event, we made through that event with little lasting damage.

However, a little known or hard disease could raise havoc in our fast paced, highly mobile world. Ebola has spread in parts of Africa faster than anyone could have imagined. And Africa, unlike us, has seen Ebola before. If more cases start to appear in other locations, people will really start to panic. This is a disease that NOBODY cares to mess with.

My advice to others is simple at this point. Stay calm, but stay aware. Just know if Ebola, or any other infectious disease escapes containment in this county, your home, your bunker, might end up being your lifeline.

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