Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Plan? What plan?


"Failure to plan is planning to fail..."

There is an old expression. "Lets throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks." In other words, since you don't know the answer, or what you are doing, you are guessing. This method seldom turns out well. It is the "Hail Mary" of coming to a solution. If this sounds familiar, it should. I believe this is the way our government tackles problems and issues each and every day.

Not to brush a sore tooth once again, but lets go back and look at the "historic" health plan - aka, ObamaCare. It was put together by a committee of selfish idiot and ideologues, with many throwing everything into this law except the kitchen sink. It grew to an obscene size - over 900 pages of pure gobbledy gook. And nobody on Capital Hill read it. Time was running out and the overstuffed bill needed to be voted on. The margin for passage was going to be razor thin. Ms. Nancy, who was Speaker at that time, stood in the Well of the House and issued her now infamous quote: "We need to pass this bill so we can understand what is in it." The rest is history. A classic example of "throwing it up against the wall to see if it sticks."

One more note on ObamaCare. Instead of doing this bill right, Congress used an old trick. Besides the unwieldy 900 page base bill that few have read, they also deferred the "details" to addendum. In other words, regulations thereto needed to be subsequently written. As they would be adjunct to the bill, they too, would have the full force of law behind them. And who was responsible for enforcing the 20,000+ pages of regulations? The unelected Secretary of HHS. Plan? What plan? This entire bill and it's appendages are a world class mess. And a hot mess to boot.

How about our foreign policy these days? In his sprint to get out of Iraq just to please the Loony Left, our President, our Commander-in-Chief, left this volatile region vacant. We left lock, stock and barrel. No troops, no CIA. Iraq became low fruit on the tree, just waiting to be picked by the first opportunist. And that opportunist just happened to be ISIL. All because we had no plan. Zero. And now we are going to reap the rewards of not having a plan. More and more are conceding to the obvious. We will have to re-deploy American ground troops in harm's way to re-fight a war we had already won.

How is our planning coming for the Ebola epidemic? Are we ready for it? Listening to the head of the CDC, we can only conclude one thing - he is in over his head. He is a puppet on a string. We are very fortunate there are only a handful of verified cases in this country. If we had a hundred or so spread throughout the country, we would be in full tilt panic. Our medical system would be overwhelmed. A VIABLE PLAN would be to isolate countries where the contagion exists. The "hot zones".  Most people with a brain understand that logic. However, our "politician-in-chief" does not. He thinks it might impact the immigration reform he wants passed this term. Huh? That is the plan? It is a non-plan. If that is our path, get ready for #epicfail.

We can only hope in the next two elections, we can clean house. We need some clear headed thinkers (and planners) in our government. Right now all we have are politicians. People whose only plan is to make it from one election cycle to the next. We need serious and long term planners. We need people who care about our great Republic more than they care about themselves. In other words, we need a "do-over" in our government. And we need it very, very soon.

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