Saturday, October 4, 2014

Evil stalks the land...


"This great evil, where's it come from? How'd it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from? Who's doing this? Who's killing us, robbing us of life and light, mocking us with the sight of what we might've known? Does our ruin benefit the earth, does it help the grass to grow, the sun to shine? Is this darkness in you, too? Have you passed through this night?"

The Thin Red Line
James Jones

My wife and I just recently returned from seeing Left Behind (the re-make). It is a tale of the Rapture and the coming Tribulation. Some believe in it, some do not. I will say this however - if you do think evil continues to stalk our land, if you believe we have entered a new era of pure and unchecked evil, you might be right. If you do not believe this, please turn on your TV and watch the news.

As much as I don't care to relive history, I must recount the following news item. In his new book, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta recently "dropped a dime" on our President. Panetta said he wanted to leave a residual force in Iraq. That it would to help keep the "bad guys" at bay. Well Leon - I believe you are speaking the truth, albeit half truth. It would have helped us in Iraq, although it many people smarter than I thought it might have involved us getting back into "the mix" sooner. However, Syria would have probably remained "off-limits". Where Syria is where the beheadings are taking place (we believe another one happened the other day), Syria would have been given a free ride.

Again, I need to put history aside. Today, it really does not matter where the atrocities occur. If both Iraq and Syria were under control, the carnage against the innocents would appear elsewhere. This evil, or what some have called "my way or the highway", is going to continue worldwide. That is until someone with courage will do something about it. My feeling is on this is simple - it is time to call a spade a spade.

Folks, we need to wake up. We have seen countless videos on the internet showing Islamic terrorists shooting people while surrendering, shooting innocent women and children, crucifying Christians, and beheading people, men, women, children, and babies. Plus they have done worse (I won't go into detail). These are not normal people - they are not civilized people. They evil beyond anything the world has seen for centuries, many centuries. Now they are coming for you. If not for the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans, they would be here now - in great and growing numbers.

Even though they are not yet here in mass, they are still here. And they can do great harm. Do you think if we play nice with them they will go away? Sorry folks- it won't work. What will work is simple - you to need to die. Period. That is what they want. Nothing more, nothing less. No letters, no threats, no peace agreements. If you are still alive, it is not good enough. As I said, this is an evil like we have not seen for many centuries.

So be prepared to fight on. Our "War on Terror" has not ended, only changed. And it has gotten much, much worse. We may have elected a "peacenik" for a President, but it will do no good. War is coming. Brutality beyond what we can imagine is coming. Be prepared. It will only get worse - much, much worse. In their words, this is a fight to the death.


1 comment:

  1. I confess the faith of Christ crucified but good or bad I don't discuss this too much on the net. Many want to micro analyze political motivations and dive deep into ideological debate.That's ok just not always my cup of tea. Some support the President. Some do not. But whatever your political leanings and whether you look to the Bible, the Torah or the Koran for inspiration know this. There is EVIL in the world of such a magnitude the source cannot be denied. Any who doubt need only stare deep into the face of ISIS. I have spent hours in the Cistine chapel marveling at Michelangelo's depiction of the Judgement Day and whether you consider that masterwork or Faustus' description, the satanic world ISIS embodies that evil. Praise God that we have been washed with the blood of the lamb and marked as Christ's own. The victory is won. Thank God because the alternative is too horrible to even contemplate.
