Monday, October 27, 2014

What is there about the State Auditor?


"Randy will be a bulldog in this job. He will be nobodies puppet. He will truly work for the people of Minnesota..."

When I was in the work a day world, I worked with many auditors. With all due respect to that esteemed profession, I never really understood why anyone wanted that job. Never having been one, all I had was a stereotype. Tedious and boring. Dull on top of that. Which brings me to the question of this article - what is there about the State Auditor position which makes it such a prize worth having.

The State Auditor position was one of the few which had a challenger in the primaries. The sitting Auditor, Rebecca Otto, was challenged by our good friend from the past, Matt Entenza. Matt's challenge to Ms. Otto accomplished nothing, except further proof that Matt is finished politically in this state. But why in the world would he fight so hard, spend so much of his money, for this position?

Here is my theory. The State Auditor position is very important these days. It is my belief that not only does the Auditor know where the "bodies are buried", but also can practice benign neglect in looking for additional bodies. In other words, the Auditor, working with the State AG, become twin Consigliore's. Their job is to protect the Godfather (Governor). Don't fix the broken, protect the incompetent, keep the bodies buried.

This brings me to Randy Gilbert. He has enough business and government experience to hit the ground running on day one. He is no pushover. He got after me a few months ago about something I said which was incorrect. I admire him for that. I have liked Randy since the first time I talked to him. I am a good judge of character, and I know that Randy would take that position to a much higher level.

If we are satisfied with the status quo, with someone who likes to sweep dust under the rug, by all means, lets keep the current crew in office. However, if we want to break the DFL stranglehold on our State Government, if we want true honesty as well as truthful answers, if we want to lower the cost of Government while raising it's efficiency, vote for Randy Gilbert. He has my vote, and I am proud to cast it for him.

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