Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Is Chicago our Fallujah?

"During the Iraq War, the city of Fallujah became synonymous with warfare. It seemed like it was the epicenter of some of the bloodiest battles. Has Chicago become our Fallujah? Some times it sure seems so." 

How many weekends this year (or last) have we heard news such as this? It is almost like the press has set up a "dead pool" on Chicago. On Christmas weekend, the one time of year where most people are the most loving and giving, Sixty-one people were shot in Chicago. Twelve of them died. And for what? Gangs? Drugs? Being "dissed"? Chicago has become not only a national tragedy, but also a national embarrassment.

On the seldom watched MSNBC this morning, one of the hosts once again brought up the tragedy of Newtown. For those who cannot remember, that is when that deranged young man brought a gun into Sandy Hook Elementary school and murdered twenty young kids and six adults. That one event, more than any other, became the poster the Left used for gun control. As tragic as it was, the number of young people killed in Chicago this year has dwarfed Newtown. And yet, nary a word is said by the lap dog media. 

How bad is it these days in the Windy City? To date, 4,334 people have been shot in Chicago in 2016. Of that number 705 have died. And (this is the big one), the majority of those shot have been under 25 years old. According to Hey Jackass (yes, it is really the name), which is a web site which breaks down these horrific statistics, the numbers are even worse than expected. The number of people UNDER TWELVE who have been killed this year in Chicago is twelve. The number of wounded is 24. The number of kids between the ages of 13 and 19 who have been killed this year is over a hundred. The number of wounded over 200.

Here is where I am going to call out the MSM for racist reporting. Once again, the shootings at Sandy Hook of children and adults not of color, were covered by the press for months. However (again according to Hey Jackass), the percentage of people killed in Chicago in 2016 is almost 80% people of color. One might be tempted to say the MSM uses a certain filter to report on shootings in this country - in particular Chicago.

When President Elect Trump was on the campaign trail, he called these senseless murders out. He told people in large hollowed out, Democratic cities, they did not have to live like this anymore. We have failed them in schools, in housing, in jobs. All that is left are the streets, with all the evil that comes with them. As far as I am concerned, Chicago is only the "canary in the coal mine". This same thing could happen to a great number of cities in our country.

During the Iraq War, the city of Fallujah became synonymous with warfare. It seemed like it was the epicenter of some of the bloodiest battles. Has Chicago become our Fallujah? Some times it sure seems so. 


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