Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pulling for Keith

"What the Republicans need to do is stand out of the way and let the clown car in the Democratic Party continue to look like a clown car."

I believe it was Lady Thatcher (as well as others) who said, "Socialism works well until you run out of other people's money." Why do I bring that up? This past election I think we hit the tipping point. And very few saw it coming. Middle America with a loud and almost united voice cried out, "Enough!" Many on the Left got the message as they walked away from their empty victory parties licking their wounds. Others did not.

Earlier in the week, Ms. Nancy got re-elected to he the House Minority Leader. After what first appeared to be a stiff challenge from Congressman Tim Ryan from Ohio, Ms. Nancy prevailed. This 76 year old statist from one of the most liberal parts of California, is just what the doctor ordered to keep this Democratic mud slide going. And now to put frosting on the cake, we need to get Keith Ellison to be the new head of the DNC. 

Why Keith? According to the Daily Caller, many years ago Keith ran articles in the Minnesota Daily advocating for a separate black nation. In addition, Ellison was a supporter of Louis Farrakhan. Huh? And that separate black nation Ellison called for would be paid for by (you guessed it) - reparations.

In more recent times, since Ellison became the 5th District Congressman, he is the champion of everyone getting something for nothing. Kind of like our version of Bernie Sanders. And because of the unique demographics of Keith's district, he is followed (and supported), like a Pied Piper.

Meanwhile, as the rest of the country is settling back into the mainstream middle, Ellison is continuing on the journey to failed economics. He now has the chance to take the entire DNC with him on that path to nowhere. Not just Minneapolis, but the whole nationwide Democrat kit and caboodle.

I have said many times before. There is nothing so bad we could do to or say about Democrats that is worse than what they usually do to themselves. I am very happy with Ms. Nancy having the bully pulpit for another two years in the House. By the time her term is up, she will be close to 80. Keith on the other hand, is just a pup compared to Ms. Nancy. However, their dogma is similar.

What the Republicans need to do now is stand out of the way and let the clown car in the Democratic Party continue to look like a clown car. 2018 could be another very, very good year for the Party of Lincoln.

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