Monday, December 12, 2016

My Destopian Lure

"Our Founding Fathers, wise way beyond their years, could see our path ahead fraught with danger. Safeguards were included in our founding documents."

What is it about me? Am I normal (please don't answer that)? I am addicted to books and shows about a destopian future. Currently, I have found something on Netflix which fills the bill for me. It is a show which I had never heard of before. And it is up to three seasons! It is called The 100, and I won't go into detail on the story (no spoilers here!). Suffice it to say it has just enough grit to keep me "binging" on these cold winter nights.

Why do people who live in free societies write stories or scripts about fictional societies which are not free? Where the government has become the master and the people have become the slaves? Why? Because it has happened before. And it can happen again. How easy will it be for us to lose our freedoms? One generation or less. 

I have recently addressed the excellent script writing for Hunger Games. Again, President Snow in that trilogy had the people enslaved. The Government, located in the fictional city of Panem, ruled the rest of the country. And the rest of the country consisted of 12 separate districts. The entire trilogy was about the people, who had become oppressed and downtrodden, trying to get their power back. It was excellent in the way it was portrayed.

In real life, we hold dearly on to our founding documents. Our Founding Fathers, wise way beyond their years, could see our path ahead fraught with danger. Safeguards were included in our founding documents. If followed, they would safeguard us against anarchy or a dystopian future. If ignored - well, read Orwell, Huxley or Collins to see that outcome.

The next time someone tells you we need to rethink our Constitution, remind that person he or she should rethink world history. As most of us know, freedom is not free - nor guaranteed. Our opportunities to live in a dystopian society are endless - that is - unless we are vigilant.  


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