Saturday, April 1, 2017

Is Trans-humanism a threat?

"Are we at the dawning of a new age of man where the possibilities are endless? Or are we at the precipice of a brave new world which is fraught with negative consequences. Only time will tell."

Lee Majors, where are you buddy? We need the Six Million Dollar Man to explain this to us. Yes once again, science fiction is morphing into science. And according to some, this evolution (or devolution) of organic man into a synthetic man is not good - not good at all. In fact, some are suggesting we escape this planet before it is overrun by Terminator type robots, and Skynet will rule the world.

Glenn Beck has been talking about Trans-humanism for a few weeks now. And it ain't good. Supposedly some of the bright thinkers on our planet are warning us that dark days are ahead. That nothing good will be coming from this new phenomenon. But like everything else in life, things can be used for either good or bad. So,there could also be some new good things which come out of this nexus of man and machine.

The other day I was watching a show on cable which addressed the trans-humanism issue head on. Like why have it? This show reported that right now, DARPA is conducting experiments implant chips into some soldiers brains. The purpose of these chips is to make the soldier more aware and to remember more. Does not sound like much, but it is a start. What is next for chips in the brain? Create a cadre of trans-humans who are smarter than Steven Hawking? 

The show also addressed the latest application of 3D Printing. That would be to make body parts specifically tailored for you. And to do so, some of your DNA would be put in the mixture used to make the body part. My thought when I saw this was where is the end of the bridge? How far can we take this before our bodies are more synthetic than organic? How is AI going to play into this? Will AI chips be able to be implanted in a brand new you which is "designed" to live for 200 years with an IQ of 200?

I don't agree with Glenn Beck on everything, but I do agree with him on this. Trans-humanism is something to watch in the next few years. Are we at the dawning of a new age of man where the possibilities are endless? Or are we at the precipice of a brave new world which is fraught with negative consequences. Only time will tell.  

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