Friday, April 14, 2017

Makers and Breakers

"We might have to pay a steep price for letting North Korea getting as far out of line as they have. But the time is now. I take President Trump at his word. One way or the other, the North Korean problem will be 'fixed'."

One of my very conservative friends always tells me that our country is made up of Makers and Takers. The Makers are those who produce; the Takers are those who chose not too. I will take that one step further.

In this world right now, we have people who are the true Makers. That would the people (or nations) who are trying to advance our civilization through better medicine, better technology, and better living conditions. That is the good news.

And now the bad news. We also have people in this world I will refer to as the Breakers. I think we all know about whom I speak. They are the ones who would choose to burn everything down. To kill anyone and everyone who worships differently than they do. The ones who instead of trying to develop new abundant, affordable and clean energy, would rather set off EMP bombs to put parts of the planet back into the dark ages.

For the life of me, I don't understand the Breakers. Not a bit. The entire world benefits once we find a cure for cancer. The entire world benefits due to our advances in agriculture. The entire world benefits from better and fairer commerce and trade deals.

But Breakers would rather nuke a country which every year feeds a large part of the world. They would poison the soil with radioactivity so nothing can be grown there for generations. And why? What possible reason? What possible gain?

Today, which is Good Friday, instead of focusing 100% of the significance of the day, we must keep one eye on what is happening on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea, which is dirt poor, could really benefit from the fruits of the Makers.

However, North Korea is currently being run by one of the worst Breakers in the world. And he is just crazy enough to try and really "break" another country by using his nukes. And if it is a country we are aligned with, the United States will be dragged into it. The United States would then would be forced to take a hiatus from being a Makers. Instead the United States would a Breaker, as instrument of destruction, as it completely destroys the country of North Korea.

We cannot advance as a civilized people so long as Breakers live among us. Our only hope in exploring space, curing diseases, fighting hunger, and enhancing everyone's quality of life, is for all of us to become Makers.

My preference would be the countries or individuals who are currently Breakers would see the light, and change their ways. But that is a Pollyanna viewpoint. I know many never will.

Our new President has said many times he inherited a "mess". Part of the mess is that we have let the Breakers in the world run wild and proliferate for the last decade. President Trump has also said that he will not turn this mess over to his successor. In other words, one way or the other, he is going to fix it. And by fixing it, he might have to end it.

What does that mean? Buckle up, and bunker up. We might have to pay a steep price for letting North Korea, Syria and Iran get as far out of line as they have. But the time is now. I take President Trump at his word. One way or the other, the North Korean problem will be "fixed", and soon.   

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