Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Russians are coming! (and so are others!)

"It is time to put this Chicken Little thing to bed and get with the program. Besides hardening our electric grid, we need to harden our information highway. To ignore both of those would be a fools errand."

Headline in the worthless paper this morning: "Mueller warns that the Russians will be back in 2020". That is, back to fiddling around with our elections. In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue. It never ceases to amaze me how naive some folks are in this country. Hello? Are you aware of how technology has changed? In 2020, it will not only be the Russians trying to play games in our elections, it might will also be the Chinese, maybe the Norks, the Iranians, bad guys, hackers, and the list goes on and on.

One more time, then I will not address this again. Russia did mess around with our 2016 election. Yes, they wanted Trump to win. Not because they loved Trump and thought they could use him - Putin HATED Hillary for what she tried to do to him when she was Obama's SOS. That is it. Plain and simple. So much for the "collusion" theory we have spend millions of dollars and months of time on.

I get a kick out of the Democrats - I really do. Here they are, wetting their collective undies about foreign influence in our elections, yet consider the following:

  • Voter ID - Constantly being challenged by the Democrats in court. Why, when we need photo ID for so many things these days? Voter suppression. Oh, BS! Put a sock in that one! If we truly want valid voting these days, it comes from playing who is who. Getting rid of as much voter fraud as possible. That is what Voter ID does. 
  • Illegal Immigrants - This one could make me laugh if it were not so sad. Many of our Blue cities have told Illegals they can vote in the next election. What the what? Are they flipping crazy? How is that different than foreign interference? Simple answer - it is not. 
Do you think it is possible that we also, meddle in other countries elections? Hello? Russia? Israel? Maybe more. We are not Mr. Clean on this issue either, so it is time to stop playing the role of victim. Putin himself has said the next world war will be fought with ones and zeros instead of bombs and bayonets. We live in a digital world where more and more things become possible through the wonders of technology. And guess what? It is not going to get better with time. The 2024 election will be worse.

One of the things Donald Trump has been considering is adding a Digital Force as well as a Space Force to our Armed Forces. I think both of these make sense, as some other countries have already done so. Face facts - everything digital will be open to attack. Unless we learn how to harden and counteract, we will be low fruit on the trees for anyone nefarious. And that includes our elections.

It is time to put this Chicken Little thing to bed and get with the program. Besides hardening our electric grid, we need to harden our information highway. To ignore both of those would be a fools errand. But is seems doing fool's errands is right in the middle of the Democrat wheelhouse.


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