Monday, November 16, 2020

And what does Sydney have?

"Stay tuned. There might be one more act in this play. One more chapter in this book. How it will turn out, we don't know - we can only hope. We do know this however - history is being made right now. However this turns out, history is being made."  

Barry was on 60 Minutes last night, chiding Donald Trump for not conceding the election. Donald Trump however, will not concede. Why? He claims not only to have won the election, but won it by a landslide. Meanwhile, average folks like us, are left scratching out collective heads. On one hand, we want Donald Trump to serve another four years. And yes, we do believe there were many suspicious things which happened on and after Election Tuesday. On the other hand, none of the President's lawsuits have hit gold. Most have been dismissed by judges. 

But hold the phone. A lawyer on the President's legal team, seems to be on to something. Or so she says. Sydney Powell is now parroting the President's claim. He not only won, but won by a landslide. She has been gathering a treasure trove of evidence and dispositions which point the finger at Dominion Software. This software, which was never intended to be used on our voting machines, is alleged to have been used widely during the 2020 election. It was intended to be used in elections overseas, where elections can be rigged. Powell says because this software has been used domestically, she has enough proof to overturn this election, and show that President Trump was the winner.

The plot thickens. She also is calling for the heads of the CIA and the FBI. They were either dirty, or incompetent in how this software was used. And none dare call it conspiracy? As much as many of us are pulling for Sydney, this election is starting to look like something out of a Vince Flynn novel. I mean, could the left be that cunning, that underhanded, they could actually pull something like this off? Use illegal software on our voting machines? Could it have been a cabal of the Deep State, Big Tech and the DNC? 

Tick toc. Time is running out. Sydney Powell however, is not concerned about the clock. She said if a state certifies the election with all this crap going on beneath the surface, then woe be onto that state also. If what Powell is looking into, even has a modicum of truth contained within it, our nation has a big, big problem. We might have already taken that ugly turn into being a Banana Republic.

Let me play this out just for a minute. Suppose right after Thanksgiving, Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani hold a press conference. The evidence they have is absolute and unimpeachable. So much so, the courts call a halt to any transition until the ramifications of Trump's legal team can be ascertained.

Can you imagine what the mutts on the left will do? Just look at this weekend with the Trump rally in Washington. It was peaceful during the day, as all Trump rallies are. But - as soon as it got dark, darkness came out of the woodwork. Mayhem, thuggery, and worse. Now picture that happening times a thousand, in every major city. That is what is going to happen if this election is overturned. The mutts on the left will go bat poop crazy. 

Stay tuned. There might be one more act in this play. Or, one more chapter in this book. How it will turn out, we don't know - we can only hope. We do know this however - history is being made right now. However this turns out, history is being made.  


  1. Democrats don't need a conspiracy. They have carefully stacked Secretary of State offices across the land-- MN a prime example-- of nakedly and extremely partisan officials. Much of what most people would call election fraud have actually been made legal, or the law ignored, by these corrupt offices.

  2. If they don't need to keep the law, then neither do we.
