Sunday, November 29, 2020

Biden's other folly

"Should Biden become President, will he get on his knees to Iran like he will do with China? Is this Biden's other folly? Will the appeasement and apologies start before February?"

Hey Joe! You asked for it, and now you are going to get it! Just in case the President's legal team is not successful, and you become POTUS # 46, Donald Trump is setting the table for you. You will not only benefit from his bold victories (like Project Warp Speed), but Donald Trump and Bibi Netanyahu are also "peeing in the Persian Gulf", just to make sure Iran is so ticked off at us, another nuke deal might be close to impossible.

What is that old saying? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"? With everything else going on, it might have gone without notice that Israel and Saudi Arabia are getting very friendly with each other. In fact, that might be the next Middle East peace deal to be struck. Guess what a common bond is? A visceral hatred for Iran - and deservedly so. In fact, the Saudis have even hinted if Iran gets any closer to having a bomb, the Saudis might like one also. See Obama? What you, Lurch and Biden have done? You have lit a ticking time bomb in Iran with your stupid nuke deal. 

If Trump does leave the White House, he is leaving by giving Iran a black eye. Not only did he order the killing of General Qassem Soleimani last January - this past week, "somebody" offed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Who is he? Many refer to him as the "Father of Iran's nuke program". How big is this? Having these two baddies out of the picture? As the President would say - Yuge!

What is the difference between Obama/Biden and Trump? For Iran's treachery, Obama/Biden paid them off in about $150 billion taxpayer dollars. For being the mastermind behind the death of many Americans in the Middle East, Donald Trump paid General Soleimani off with four Hellfire missiles - business end first. After that "payment" was over, there was not enough left of Soleimani to put into an ashtray. To say the least, the Iranians are still spitting mad over the loss of Soleimani and Fakhrizadeh. Shame.

Donald Trump has not dragged this country into any protracted and/or unwinnable wars during his first term. Promise made, promise kept. That being said, he was not above administering any good old American justice to global bad guys. If the Iranians would like to start something to get revenge over the loss of their two villains, good luck with that. The Saudis, Israelis, and US, would love to show the Iranian regime our resolve. It would be shock and awe and then done. We would love to have these Mullahs out of the way, so the Iranian people can once again be free.

Should Biden become President, will he get on his knees to Iran like he will do with China? Is this Biden's other folly? Will the appeasement and apologies start before February? Remember - he is an Obama clone. We have seen this movie before. We know how it starts, and we know how it ends.

Be careful of what you wish for Slo Joe. You are ill equipped for this job, and nobody knows it better than you. Trump had guts to deal with the world's baddies - you have John Kerry and Hunter Biden. Lead from behind? You will be further back than behind. If you get sworn in, it will be one of the bleakest moments in American history.  


1 comment:

  1. If he's sworn in, he'll be immediately & massively sworn at!
