Sunday, November 15, 2020

"He will rue the day..."

"Biden will rue the day he ran for President. He is about to find out one of the facts of life he should have learned by now. Hawaii is seldom like the brochure. Hear that Joe? And neither is the Presidency, especially when you bring a whole lot of baggage with you." 

Did you hear about yesterday? The Million MAGA March? Big success, and I think it sent a message. Message? What kind of message? That we are NOT going away. Regardless if the President wins his legal battles, or loses them, we are not going away. Then did you hear about last night? The mutts came out. To pick on whomever was still around the mall, and was wearing anything with "Trump" on them. They sucker punched, threw fireworks, and worse. They sent a message also. Even though Biden (their guy) might have "won", they are not going away either. Revolution for the hell of it, will continue.

This morning on the news, former Wisconsin Congressman, Shawn Duffy was being interviewed. He was asked about how Biden (if elected) would be treated by a Republican House and/or Senate. Before he answered, a clip was played of Adam Schiff. Schiff was saying he was worried about how this "new President" would be treated by the Republicans. He is worried that all the Republicans would do is investigate this President. Do you believe the balls on this guy? Seriously? 

First off, the Republicans WILL investigate Biden and his kid. Make no mistake on that one. And remember - we have Hunter's laptop. Next, in 2022, once we win the House back, unlike the Democrats, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Our team will be able to legislate and investigate at the same time. Now that the Democrats have "lowered the bar", it is time for a whole lot of pay back. As Congressman Duffy said, "Joe Biden will rue the day he decided to run for President". BINGO! I have said in the past, if Biden gets in, these next four years (or until he gets the Amendment 25 heave ho), will be the worst time of his lllllooonnnngggg political life.

Rumors are flying that Biden will be very active right after being sworn in. "Undoing" much of what Donald Trump has done. That will be unsatisfactory on so many levels. Much of what Donald Trump has done has been very good for this country. If Biden gets in there and starts to muck up our new trade deals, or our Middle East peace accords, or anything good which was done by Donald Trump, all hell is going to break out in Washington. Biden should be building on the good things that Donald Trump did. If he is going to be a wrecking ball, just to flood the swamp again and energize the Deep State, the ship is going to hit the sand in Washington like it never has before. It will be political war - like none have ever seen.

I don't know who is in a more unenviable position right now. Joe Biden, or Hunter Biden. Both have a lot to answer for. Both are crooked. Unlike the "Russia Hoax", which cost millions and turned out to be a big, fat, nothing burger - there is a lot of meat of the bones of the Biden boys. Influence peddling, graft, kickbacks, and so forth. When some of the debauchery on Hunter's laptop hits the light of day, there will be no rock low enough he can hide under. 

I agree with Congressman Duffy. Biden will rue the day he ran for President. He is about to find out one of the facts of life he should have learned by now. Hawaii is seldom like the brochure. Hear that Joe? And neither is the Presidency, especially when you bring a whole lot of baggage with you. 

1 comment:

  1. And I would hope that Republicans would immediately launch lawsuits challenging Biden's flurry of unlawful executive orders. For example, suspending deportations is contrary to law. Signing us onto the Paris Agreement without passing the Senate is unConstitutional. And if he lasts until 2022 he will be impeached for "getting the prosecutor fired" as he admitted on tape, and for "the biggest voter fraud organization in history," also admitted on tape.
