Tuesday, November 17, 2020

How's it going to end?

"How's it going to end? I sure hope we don't have to wait until this time next year to find out. Most of us can't take much more of this."  

Remember the movie, The Truman Show? The question which was asked over and over again was, "How's it going to end"? It was kind of a goofy movie, but even with that, I started wondering the same question - "How is it going to end?" Why in the world bring that movie up? I was thinking about it yesterday. That same question could be asked about our Presidential election, and this China produced plague. I have no clue how either one of these major disruptions in our lives are going to end.

Let me first address the election. By the way, the Republicans continue to pick off contested House seats. Got another one yesterday. But this election has damaged our voting system, to a degree that it might never recover. Earlier this month, the mask has come off the villain. We have suspected in the past, our voting system was fraught with cheating. Now we know that to be true. Until we strip and clean all the goo off our voting system, and resurrect it to be honest and truthful, what we have now is total crap. If Biden goes on to win, not one of the 72,000,000 (or more) who voted for Trump, will ever believe their vote was not stolen. Or the election was stolen. The nation will become ungovernable.  

But what if Trump's legal team is able to expose the warts and bruises of this election, have the courts declare it a nullity, and then have the House of Representatives settle who is going to be President. Of course, it will be Donald Trump. That is the way the numbers will work out. When that happens, all hell is going to break out. The lawless mutts on the left will try and "burn it all down." No street in any city will be safe. The nation will become ungovernable. 

On to the plague. Once vaccines become common (shortly), and prove to be effective (as preliminary test are showing), the plague is over - right? Not so fast. Dr. Fauci stated the other day that even after the vaccine(s) become common, we will still need to be "socially distanced" and masked up. Most anyone with a brain, would simply ask, "why"? If viable vaccine(s) are not going to end this plague, how's it going to end? 

We entered this year, this first year of the new "Roaring Twenties", with a spring in our step. This was going to be a good year for all of us. With the economy on fire, Donald Trump was all but a shoe in for another term. Then the plague happened. Then the Floyd issue happened. Then the election happened. We exit this year, full of fear and trepidation. And total uncertainty. 

And that is the way we will start the new year. The nation could be ungovernable, and the plague could still be controlling our lives. Living like a shut in, and being controlled by the state. How's it going to end? I sure hope we don't have to wait until this time next year to find out. Most of us can't take much more of this.  

1 comment:

  1. "Living like a shut in, and being controlled by the state."

    Non accepto.
