Sunday, November 8, 2020

Kumbaya? Not so fast!

"Meanwhile, Joe Biden has already tipped his hand on how his new cabinet will fill out. Guess who is going to be his SOS? The liar of Benghazi. Dr. Susan Rice. Speaking of a tangled web! Stay tuned, and stay strong folks. Much left on this story yet to be told." 

Oh, Smoking Joe. The Unifier in Chief. The presumptive President elect. Really? Maybe, and maybe not. For those who support our current President, think of a duck in the water. May look like not much is happening on the water's surface, but beneath the waves, those web feet are going a hundred miles an hour. If you think that way too much funny stuff was happening all at once to tilt this election, you are not alone.

First off, for those of us who have been around for awhile, there are two things we have seen before. First, Smoking Joe. He know his modus operandi. Talk a big game. Promise much, deliver nothing. "I am going to be the President of all the people. I will fight just as hard for those who did not vote for me, as those who did." Hey Joe - B as in B, and S and in S. This ugly chump does not believe you. Nor do the millions of yet to be born who will be aborted under your watch. Nor do the millions of gun owners who know you are dying to whittle away at our Second Amendment.

Second, this cheating thing. What is that old saying? If it looks to good to be true, it probably isn't true. In fact, the Trump team was so convinced that the DNC would cheat last Tuesday, they laid out some bait for them. Hammer and Scorecard, are two programs which were developed for the CIA for us to use abroad. For what purpose? To manipulate the vote. They were NEVER intended to be used on US voting machines. But according to recent reporting on the Fox Business Channel - they were. Stay tuned on this one. There might be a whole lot of meat on this bone.

Where does that leave us? Where does that leave the country? Where does that leave the 70 million voters who voted for the President? Matt Schlapp was on the news this morning. He is in Las Vegas going over a ton of voter irregularities. How many? His words - thousands, maybe tens of thousands. And Rudy Giuliani has dozens of poll watchers ready to testify in court, they were shut out of the counting process. That is a huge no-no. What does all this mean? Slow down Joe, you move too fast. You think the people have spoken, but it seems the Deep State may have spoken instead. 

In Walter Scott's poem, Marmion: A Tale of a Flodden Field came that now famous line, "O what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive." Could this be the new tag line for the 2020 election? How many other close races were decided by DNC cheating? And the two Georgia run off seats? How is that election going to go in January? 

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has already tipped his hand on how his new cabinet will fill out. Guess who is going to be his SOS? The liar of Benghazi. Dr. Susan Rice. Speaking of a tangled web! Stay tuned, and stay strong folks. Much left on this story yet to be told. 


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