Monday, November 9, 2020

Paris Accord? Iran Nuke Deal?

"The up side? With the runoff elections in Georgia coming in January, it is good to have some of Joe's nutty ideas known. Especially in Georgia." 

Actually, I am happy Joe Biden is showing his cards this soon after the election. Like many of us, I have been made privy to some very interesting things going on behind the curtain. Those who are frustrated, that more is not being heard from President Trump, don't be. It may look like this car is in idle, but it is really going 100mph. In any event, Slo Joe has his transition team established, and some cabinet selections identified. And all of this, might be for naught.

But enough of that for now. Let's continue to examine how Slo Joe would run (ruin) our government. Besides "fighting this virus" (like, we have not up to now?), Joe wants to get us back into the Paris Accord. You know - that climate thing. Maybe (in his mumbled mind), getting us back in the accord, and becoming globalists once again, would help California's fires, and stop all of these dang hurricanes!

Most clear thinking Americans know what the Paris Accord really is. A nothing burger. A chance to tax the socks off of the rich counties, and letting countries like China continue to soil the atmosphere. If Biden were truthful (which he is far from), he would tell the American people that even outside the Paris Agreement, our carbon footprint continues to reduce. Through technology and (gasp!) science. HEAR THAT JOE? SCIENCE!

And getting back into the Iran Nuke Deal? Are you flipping crazy Joe? It is bad enough you and Obama gave the Iranians zillions of dollars of our cold hard cash to fund their terrorism. Now you want to help them build a nuke? If you ever did become a legit President, you would be a disaster. You would start another war. After four years of peace under Trump, you would drag us back into Neocon, globalist, never ending wars. This idea is even nuttier than the Paris Accord.

How about all those rumors that you want to pick the Liar of Benghazi to be your Secretary of State? This woman has zero credibility with all clear thinking Americans. But in the crazy, goofed up world that you live in Joe - she would be great. She not only lives in the Deep State, she is one of the architects. All that work that President Trump has done by cleaning out the muck, and you want to bring that woman back again? Once again, are you flipping nuts???

The up side? With the runoff elections in Georgia coming in January, it is good to have some of Joe's nutty ideas known. Especially in Georgia. Even though Atlanta may be a bit blue, most of Georgia is still bright red. Lots of red blooded Americans live in that state. And as most of us know, if those two Senate seat went blue, and Biden does in fact become our 46th President, we will be royally screwed. We would be around the bend, heading for the cliff.

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