Thursday, November 5, 2020

Dark Winter

"Stay strong my friends. I would like to tell you this is much to to about nothing. And I hope and pray it is. But if it is not, that sage advice needs to be remembered and followed. Especially the part about getting your spiritual life in order."

Joe Biden has promised us a dark winter. And should he prevail in this most rancid election, and we lose Donald Trump, we will probably get one. The CCP virus is now starting to gallop out of control. If this continues much longer, we won't have to worry about a Democrat Governor shutting us down - the virus will do it for them.

The "man of science", wants the nation to be sequestered in their basements, wearing their clothe masks. Our red hot economy will come to a dead stop, leading to a recession, maybe a depression, maybe a global depression. The "man of action" on the other hand, wants to get our three vaccines through testing, and out to the public as soon as possible. Hopefully before the end of the year. Project Warp Speed was always intended to keep us from a dark winter, and all the misery which follows.

While visiting a Christian friend today, we talked about the days ahead. Like most of us, she is worried and concerned. She told me that a "prepper" friend had also told her that he was very concerned about the coming days. He reminded her of three things: 1) Make sure you have very adequate provisions, 2) Have some ready cash on hand, and 3) Get your spiritual life in order. 

Spiritual life? Really? Why? The "why" is simply this. In this dark winter, many of us will be tested. Besides trying to keep our families safe from this virus, spiritual warfare will be sweeping our land. Social unrest is possible, some say probable, to the extent many of us could have never imagined. Evil will stalk our land.

But - if we take heed to what Ephesians 6, 10-18 tells us to do, we will be protected. It involves putting on the "Armor of God". This most valued part of the New Testament reminds us the battle is really not against each other - it is against the principalities of darkness. Those who are Godless, will be blind to this. Those who are Godly, should be fully aware.

I know there are many who do not believe in prepping. Even if you do not, please heed the sage advice my friend received. Have your pantry stocked, have some ready cash on hand, and if you have been strangers with the Lord for a while, this would be a great time to invite Him back into your life.

Stay strong my friends. I would like to tell you this is much to to about nothing. And I hope and pray it is. But if it is not, that sage advice needs to be remembered and followed. Especially the part about getting your spiritual life in order. I know I have much to do on that one. Time for me to get busy. 

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