Wednesday, November 18, 2020

He's BACK!!!!

"Pray for Trump's legal team folks. If they can't prove this fiat and false election to be just what it was, we are screwed."

Here is the product of my morning musing today. I have become Joe Biden. Not in any way politically - I am like old Joe because - I have become a basement dweller. Between the plague and our kitchen remodel, I have never been able to spend this much time in a subterranean environment. How much time have I spent down there? It has been like a tornado warning which has lasted over a month. Or, like I tell some folks - it is like being on house arrest, only confined in the basement. 

But living in a state of underground stasis, I have had a chance to read and listen to different things about this election, and the ramifications thereof. More so than anything else, this is what I have come up with. He is back. Who, Biden? No - because Biden never left. Remember? Forty-seven years? I am talking about The Swamp Dweller. And, The Swamp Dweller is amorphous. He (or it), has no shape nor name. But The Swamp Dweller exists. He (or it) is real. 

I listened to an article on the news this morning, stating the "crew" that our new, fiat and false President will surround himself with, will be the most radical, the most progressive, in generations. The Swamp Creature is going to be back in the White House. After Donald Trump has fumigated the White House from all the crap which lived and happened there for years, in the snap of a finger, Biden with bring it back - in spades. It is going to be ugly, as the Swamp in the White House will work hand in hand with the Swamp which still exists in every corner of the Nation's Capitol. 

It is not like we were not warned. President Trump warned us about this for months. If we let the progressives and socialists back in the White House, ugly will have a new name. It is going to be bad, real bad. But we did hear and heed the President's warning. How so? Over 10,000,000 more votes for the President in 2020 than in 2016. Should have been enough for a massive landslide. 

But the one thing Donald Trump, along with the rest of us, underestimated - was the amount of cheating and graft in the 2020 election. This senile old man, who is a walking nothing burger, somehow garnered over 79,000,000 votes. That would be over 13,000,000 more than Queen Hillary. I know, I know. Most clear thinking Americans would say there is NFW this could have happened. But it did happen. With the help of one of the most elaborate frauds in our nation's history, this election was stolen from a sitting President. Stolen in the dark of night. And then, the White House was given back to The Swamp Creature

All eyes are now on Georgia. Yesterday, someone got a recording of a Zoom call amongst Democrats. Why it is so important to win those two seats in Georgia. It is so important, some Democrats are actually moving to the Peach State, just so they can vote in January. On the Zoom call, the moderator said "We need to win those two seats, so we can take the Senate. When we take the Senate, we don't have to negotiate with anyone. We can implement our agenda." 

Which agenda is that? Agenda 2030, or The Great Reset. It is coming folks, and The Swamp Creature will make sure we are part of it. Carbon credits, carbon taxes, sustainability mandates, green everything - and a global depression. 

Pray for Trump's legal team folks. If they can't prove this fiat and false election to be just what it was, we are screwed. If Biden does become POTUS # 46, we will all be living in our basements. That is, unless we are on the street corners, begging for food.  


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