Saturday, November 21, 2020

On the cusp of the morrow...

"What is on the cusp of the morrow? Us. The citizens and patriots who love this country with a fire which can't be extinguished."

I received some unsettling news last night. A good friend, who recently lost her husband (a classmate, brother in arms, and a good friend of mine), recently found out her daughter and son-in-law have Covid - 19. Besides being worried about family members with this very difficult disease, that is where she was going to celebrate Thanksgiving. Now she will be by herself for Thanksgiving. This year which has been so cruel to so many, is not done with us yet.

I have heard so many tales of grief this year, I could fill many pages sharing them. I believe there is not one beating heart in this country which could honestly say this has been a good year. Someone said, this year has been like a non-stop Friday the 13th. Like I said, I could dwell on that, or I could cast my eyes on the morrow. And that is what I choose to do.

The President brought up a good point recently. If we had not done Project Warp Speed, the normal path to get a new vaccine approved by the FDA is four years. When I look at the loss of life, loss of income, and just plain loss of happiness this nation has suffered in 2020, I could not imagine going through this four more years.

But thanks to the leadership and pull of this President, we are not only on the cusp of the morrow, we are also on the cusp of getting some life saving vaccines to fight this China virus. How close are we? I think by April 1st, this country will be awash in many different vaccines to protect us from Covid - 19. Then normal life can start to resume.

And then there is this unfinished election. When all is said and done, either by popular vote, or a vote in the House of Representatives, we will have either President Biden, or four more years of Donald Trump. If we do end up with a President Biden, it will be a very bumpy ride for him. Half the country will think he cheated his way into the White House, and the other half will hate him for his broken promises. Why? There is not enough tea in China to give everyone what he has promised. Whereas 2020 has been the most trying of years due to this unexpected virus, 2021 will be the most unsettling political year we have had since 1968. Maybe worse.

Am I optimistic or pessimistic about what comes tomorrow? I am very optimistic. I believe our lives will start to return to normal as more and more of us are vaccinated. The virus will still be here, but we can start managing it, rather than having it manage us. And politics? Putting the cheating aside on the Presidential race, the Republicans did very well this year. Picked up some much needed territory in the House. I feel in my heart of hearts, the two Georgia Senate seats will stay red. A Republican Senate, along with a more robust Republican presence in the House, should blunt many of the wacko ideas that a Biden administration wants to implement.

But here is the cherry on top of the ice cream. This is what really fills me with the most optimism. It has been many years since I have seen the American spirit as strong as it has been these past four years. Especially this year. Whereas, President Obama lulled us into a national slumber, President Trump has truly awoken this sleeping giant. And now that this sleeping giant is awake, there is no going back. I have never seen the citizens and patriots in this country exhibit this much cohesiveness. This much passion! 

Bottom line? No matter how much Biden (if elected) tries to muck this nation up, we are going to take it back. One way or the other, the patriots will never allow this nation to be destroyed, or morphed into socialism. If Biden becomes President, in 2022 we will have a red wave which will make the Gingrich Revolution of 1994 look tame. 

What is on the cusp of the morrow? Us. The citizens and patriots who love this country with a fire which can't be extinguished. All the cheating in the world cannot extinguish our flame. We are still here, getting stronger day by day, and are not going anywhere. That is what the morrow will bring. 

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