Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"Can't we all just get along?"

"Here is the bottom line. Should you prevail in this election, you will be handed a red hot economy (even in a pandemic), super low gas prices, and a world class military. All you need do is maintain."

"Come on man! The race is over, and I won. In fact, I got more votes than anyone else in the universe ever received. In fact, in some urban areas, my vote total outperformed the population! Beat that one, Trump! I know we called you guys deplorables, chumps, ugly, Nazis, xenophobes, homophobes, racists, sexists, and worst - but get over it! I know I said there will be no difference in how I feel, or govern, between red states and blue states, but that was just me talking again. Word salad. In reality, if you are a conservative, patriot, or citizen - sucks being you!"

By the way - at the time of this article, Donald Trump is still our President for a minimum of 71 more days. Remember that Joe. If somehow you prevail with all these voting irregularities being investigated and litigated, then your show starts in 71 days. And don't even think about taking credit for the Covid vaccines which will be entering the market about that time. The ones thanks to Operation Warp Speed, might be 90% effective at the get-go.

And gas prices. Under Donald Trump, our gas prices are affordable once again. $1.80/gal for regular is common right now. Under Biden/Obama, in May 2012 (about halfway through their first term, when they controlled the House and Senate), the national average for a gallon of regular was $3.80. About two bucks higher. But that did not bother you and Barry, did it Joe? You wanted cars to go bye-bye, and everyone ride the train, bike or walk. We will be watching you like a hawk to see how long it takes a statist like you to jack our gas prices again.

Here is the bottom line. Should you prevail in this election, you will be handed a red hot economy (even in a pandemic), super low gas prices, and a world class military. All you need do is maintain. But if you listen to the socialists (by the way, your VP is one of them), and starting screwing around under the hood, and we go back to the Obama/Biden days of crap everything - the 71,000,000 patriots who voted for Trump are going to be beyond pissed.

"Can't we just get along?" This famous line from Rodney King comes to mind when I hear you address the nation. You and Obama were dividers, not uniters. You and Harris will be the same way. "I am a proud Democrat!", you often yell at the crowds. Uh, no you are not Joe. You are a shill for the unions, a statist, and most likely - a crook. Trump may have been right. You are the head of the Biden crime family.

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