Monday, November 23, 2020

Goodbye, America First

The Dark Winter is coming. It is right after Biden puts his hand on whatever book he chooses and is sworn in. It is coming right after the Georgia Senate seats swing blue. Elections have consequences.

Not to be a wet blanket, but in less than 60 days, MAGA will once again take a back seat to our country "leading from behind". That bitter after taste from the Obama/Biden years will return. How bad will it be? Rather than having an equal trading partner in China, we will go back to once again be China's be itch. Biden will tax many of our corporations right off of American soil, and we will continue to have 90% of our crap made in China. Whatever "deal" which was formed by Vice President Biden and his crackhead son, will now pay dividends for China. The big loser? Us. 

I know, I know. Some of us "bitter clingers" are still hanging on to this diminishing hope that the Trump legal team will pull a rabbit out of their collective hats. Did I say diminishing? Maybe I should have said "disappearing". Even a loyalist like Chris Christie said it was time to throw in the towel. If December 10th comes and goes, and states certify their totals for a Biden win, it will be time for Dr. Biden to start picking out new draperies for the White House.

Assuming Biden becomes POTUS # 46, and if we don't hold on to those two Senate seats in Georgia, what is our world going to look like? It might be time to get schooled on what The Great Reset means to our country. What it means to you. It will be the globalists dream come true. It will usher in the age of the participation trophies. Wealth will be considered bad, and sameness, good. The world will have a (by design), global depression which will tear down the old, and make way for the new. What will the new look like? Dust off your George Orwell and Aldous Huxley books to find out. While you are at it, you can toss your Ayn Rand books, your Thomas Paine books, and Adam Smith books to boot. 

The apology tours will start up again. This time we can add in white privilege and white fragility to our growing list of Anglo-Saxton sins. All student loans will be forgiven - exploding our national debt (once again). Repartitions will be authorized to anyone and everyone with an ancient grievance. Our southern border will be laid wide open, with tidal waves of humans from every poor country in the world, just waiting to be a citizens and get some bennies. Guns and ammo will be taxed into bankruptcy, and ordinary patriots will be considered lawbreakers for owning a .22 rifle.

We will sign the Paris Accord, which will allow our master (China) to continue to burn coal to their heart's content, while we suffer national brown outs and black outs. People who rallied behind MAGA during the Trump Administration, will wonder what the hell has happened to our country. To our world. We will witness our world sliding into the Gene Roddenberry world of Star Trek, where nobody owns anything, and everyone owns everything. But Star Trek is fiction, and in real life, global Communism has failed miserably, with a trail of dead bodies in its wake.

The Dark Winter is coming. It will happen right after Biden puts his hand on whatever book he chooses, and is sworn in. It is coming right after the Georgia Senate seats swing blue. Elections have consequences. The 80 million morons who voted for Biden will soon find that out. As for the 73 million patriots who voted for Donald Trump, all we can do is SMH, and bunker up.    


  1. There are many of us who disagree with your outlook. God is not done with America. It is God who pt Trump in office as a 2 term President. God is not done with the Democrat party, either. Their day is coming! However, thanks for the warning, as many people need to hear it and wake up. As has been said: "it ain't over until the fat lady sings!' And her part hasn't been heard yet!!! God is still on the throne and in charge!
