Saturday, November 14, 2020


"Going from a 'get er done' Presidency during the past four years, to a 'put a cap on it' for the next four years. Biden is ill equipped to be our President. Always has been, always will be."

Oh, do I love that chant! DEFUND THE POLICE!!! Why? It smells like victory. What the lame street media is not telling us, is a simple truth. Other than the White House, the Republicans kicked butt this past election. In fact, yesterday, another seat in California was flipped over to the red team. One of the few things the remaining sane Democrats and Republicans agree on, is that DEFUND THE POLICE!!!, is killing the Democrats. Some think that AOC is really a plant for our side. She might as well be - as whenever she runs her mouth, our side gets stronger.

If the President fails in his court cases, and we are stuck with Biden for a while, it will take a while to get over that unpleasant aftertaste in our mouths. But we can blunt his win. When Obama won in 2008, he had very broad coattails. The Democrats controlled everything, including the courts. This election is the first I can remember, where the incoming President had zero coattails. Why? This election was not about him. It was about Donald Trump. Almost 150,000,000 came out to vote. About half for him, a bit more than half, against him.

Right now, Nancy Pelosi is on very thin ice. Last time she ran for Speaker, she had backlash from her own party. It is felt she will again this time. But this time, her majority has been cut down considerably. The Democrats will still elect a Speaker, but it might not be an 80 year old, botoxed hypocrite from California. The AOC crowd will want a socialist, and the remaining moderate Democrats, will want a moderate. I am cheering for AOC on this one. Every socialist nut ball idea over the next two years, will make the 2022 red wave one foot higher.

The problem with the Democrats right now is very basic. Their one unifying objective was to defeat Donald Trump. Okay, we will assume that happened. Now what? They have a lousy hand to play, no unity, and the prospect of pulling any winning cards is nil. How so? Biden can't put Warren or Sanders on his cabinet (oh, but he would love to), as both of their states have Republican Governors. So which two names are popping up as late? The heroines of Benghazi - Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton. No - I am not making this up.

Biden, an aging plagiarist with dementia, will be surrounded by lunatics - starting with his VP. If it was not going to be so harmful to the country, it might even be fun to watch. Going from a "get er done" Presidency during the past four years, to a "put a cap on it" for the next four years. Biden is ill equipped to be our President. Always has been, always will be.

"DEFUND THE POLICE" might do one more thing for the red team this election. It might help propel the two Senate seats in Georgia over to our side. It will be a real dog fight down there, with a mountain of money being spent. Meanwhile, cities who have defunded their police forces are having buyer's remorse. Well, most people are. The criminals on the other hand, love having no police to bother them.  

1 comment:

  1. Seems to me that "no police" also means no problem with non-criminals carrying & using weapons.
