Monday, November 30, 2020

That White House, White Supremist!

"There we have it. This election settled nothing. The ones who really wanted the throne, are still on the outside. That means, look for our cities to continue to roil and boil."

What have I learned already on this young day? We have a white supremist living in the White House! Or should I say, we will soon have one living in the White House. No wait - the white supremist is Donald Trump, right? According to one of the BLM leaders in LA, yes, Trump is a white supremist. But he is yesterday's news. The BLM help get rid of him. No, the white supremist they are concerned about right now is Joseph Biden.

What sin is it, which make Biden a white supremist? Other than being born white. He is considering appointing LA's Mayor, Eric Garcetti, to his cabinet. So - what in the eyes of a socialist is wrong with Garcetti? He does check all the boxes, as they say. All that is for naught because of one thing. Garcetti will not totally defund the LA police. And Biden (now elected), is clear that he won't support that either. In the eyes of the BLM, this ranks right up there with being a Benedict Arnold.

In fact, that is not the end of it. Where are all the Sander's type commies in the cabinet? Where is Sanders? Where is Warren? Biden's cabinet looks like a bunch of "B" players from the Obama Administration. So this is going to bring up an interesting situation for Slo Joe. Being an old time Democrat, he knows the routine. Run on the left, get elected, govern from the middle (sort of). HOWEVER - in the eyes of the radical left, governing from the middle does not cut it. It is a  betrayal of what was promised during the campaign.

Besides taking heavy fire from the ultra left, there are many on the right who are licking their chops to get some pay back. There are many (myself included), who will NEVER forget the terrible treatment they gave President Trump every minute of every day. No, Slo Joe is going to be the pickle in the middle for as long as he is President.

Donald Trump never had to worry about the ultra right side of his party giving him fire. Everyone knew that Donald Trump was heads and tails better than most establishment Republicans. Trump had only to worry about the ultra left. And the media. And the Hollywood elites. And big tech. And RNC Never Trumpers. 

I love the fact that Biden is being called a white supremist. How does that feel Joe? Well, get used to it. The wackos in your party will probably call you much worse as time goes on. Many times while campaigning, you would say, "I am a proud Democrat". Really Joe? You are proud to be a member of this group of misfits? Good luck - pal!

There we have it. This election settled nothing. The ones who really wanted the throne, are still on the outside. That means, look for our cities to continue to roil and boil. As for the citizens and patriots, we are already planning for 2022. After two years of this nonsense, our red wave will be "Yuge"!  

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