"Why do I bring this up? The same should hold true with people who live in this great country. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the rear as you exit. If you want to stay, shut up and help us row."
We live in an odd county. Please - don't hang up on my until I explain. We have people of immense power, money, and prestige (like Colin Kaepernick and Gwen Berry), who HATE this country. And yet, we have tens of thousands of immigrants and refugees who are trying to cross our southern border (illegally), who don't own spit. Am I confused? Big time.
America is also somewhat of a unique country. We have an open door, for those who want to get out of here. In other words, if this country is so bad, these very successful people who think they have been screwed by living here - can leave. And until Biden came along, anyone who wanted in, could go through the proper channels to get in. Now - Katie bar the door. Thanks to Biden's new open door policy, we might get a million undocumented people this year alone.
I remember years ago, as young Lieutenant, being asked if I would witness a Captain's Mast at sea (one of my few times on a ship). The Captain told this young man (with an attitude) who was being brought up on charges, "If you want out, I can help you with that. But you will not like it on the outside, carrying the type of discharge you might get." Instantly, his attitude then sobered up. He received a shipboard punishment, instead something more draconian.
Why do I bring this up? The same should hold true with people who live in this great country. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the rear as you exit. If you want to stay, shut up and help us row. We all know this country is not perfect. But it great, and the shining light on the hill, - but still not perfect. That being said, all of us should endeavor to make this country a more perfect union, without making an asses of ourselves, or bringing shame on this great nation.
Okay - here comes my "Archie Bunker" time. America - love it or leave it. DO NOT embarrass us on the world stage. Ms. Berry - do know right now your countrymen and women are hoping you will fail in the Olympics? Why? They don't want your "stunts" on the podium. Here comes the news flash, and then I will close. There are thousands of times more people in this country who love it here, than not.
Ms. Berry, unless you change, you DO NOT represent us, regardless of how talented you are. That is all.