Friday, June 18, 2021

A One Eyed King?

"A clear and present danger. Treason. Dereliction of duty. The crimes this accidental administration is accumulating is alarming. We deserve better. Our country deserves better. Our grandchildren deserve better. Get rid of these clowns." 

"In the land of the blind, a one eyed man can be king". Ain't that the truth! Of the 80 million who (supposedly) voted for Biden, they got a whole slew of "one eyed wonders".

For example - Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden's very loyal Secretary of Homeland Security, was on the Hill again yesterday. Getting grilled by Republicans, lauded by Democrats. Can I just get this out first - before I go any further? This man is not only bald, but he is a bald faced liar. I mean, the Democrats have had some interesting folks working in DHS, but none like this guy. Why do I say that? As the head of DHS, his number one job is keeping the homeland safe. By being complacent in opening our southern border to anything and everything under the sun, he is doing just the opposite. 

This guy could not be elected dog catcher in most parts of the country. How then, could he possibly be the Secretary of Homeland Security? And be so bad at it? When asked why the Veep has not yet been to the southern border, Mayorkas bristled. "I am the Secretary of Homeland, and I have been there many times." That was a rare moment of truthfulness from this man. He has been to the border more than once. But then he has testified under oath before, the border was "closed". That is a lie. 

He then defended the Veep. "She is the former AG of a border state, so she knows about borders." Yes - and so? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? By the way, speaking of China, Lara Logan has a show on Fox Nation about the amount of drugs being caught coming over the southern border. Fentanyl, Meth, Heroin. And that is only what they have caught. Logan reported that much of the fentanyl is coming directly from counterfeit labs in China, shipped to Mexico, to be smuggled over the border. How bad is it? In San Diego, three people A DAY are dying  from drug overdosing.

Even though Biden's popularity remains high with the minions who support him, he is in a tough spot on immigration. He has been cajoled and manipulated by his far left handlers, into making the biggest national blunder a President could make. He has left our "back door" unlocked at night - left it open to all kinds of evil. Whenever he is asked about it, he mumbles something about Barack supporting it, this is kindness, and most importantly - "this is who we are". No Biden - you are wrong. We are kind, but we are not patsies. Unlocking out southern border to everything wicked which this way comes, is a horribly stupid idea. Maybe even treasonous.

All this to increase the blue voters for 2022 and beyond. Shameful. Totally shameful. Meanwhile, more innocent Americans are dying. Dying from either being killed by bad apples which sneak over the border, or to counterfeit drugs made by China and smuggled in through Mexico. 

We need to shut out southern border. Now. Not control entry - shut it down totally. Just like after 9/11. Having an open border is a clear and present danger to this great country. If Biden does not do it, we need to impeach him. This is far worse than anything Trump did, and our worthless Pelosi Congress impeached Trump twice. For nothing. 

A clear and present danger. Treason. Dereliction of duty. The crimes this accidental administration is accumulating is alarming. We deserve better. Our country deserves better. Our grandchildren deserve better. Get rid of these clowns. 



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