Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Is the pendulum starting to swing?

"Every now and again, the American public decides to let the kids run things for a while. It never works out well."

Shhh. Don't say anything to anyone. But I think I am detecting a sea change in America. Not a little sea change, maybe even a tsunami. In other words, the pendulum might be swinging back our way.

Things are not working out well for the new team in Washington. Not working out well for the squad. Not working out well for the socialist and anarchists who are burning our cities. And really not working out well for the "defund the police" crowd. 

I turn on the national news most every morning. It seems like at least once a week, there is a story about a cop being murdered or assaulted. Seems like every day, there are stories of carnage in more than one of our big, blue cities. In short, violence in our country is out of control. Totally. Not having enough EMPOWERED cops is a big reason. However, most of the socialists who sit on city councils, or the mayors and governors of those cities and states - are blind to what is happening. But the people are not. 

Cancel culture, BLM, and CRT are all starting to be soft peddled. Why? These things represent things which are NOT endemic in our culture. The are products of the fringe left, and a very corrupt national media. Normal folks, are fed up with all this horse pucky. And the puppet masters on the left are starting to get the drift. These items, as well as the carnage taking place in many of our cities, are going to be like millstones around their necks come next election. As they should be.

One school board out east, recently passed a resolution to get rid of all holiday names. Instead of Christmas for example, that holiday will be called "day off number so and so". The parents got wind of this, and came to the next board meeting in great numbers. They wanted all board members to resign immediately. Their force was so strong, their voices so loud, the board reversed their ruling on getting rid of holiday names - by an almost unanimous vote.

Every now and again, the American public decides to let the kids run things for a while. It never works out well. Clinton had his Monica event. Obama had his race war issues. Biden is controlled by the socialist and the squad. Every time the kids muck things up, the American public can't wait to get the adults back in charge. That is what I see happening in 2022 followed by 2024.

Hang tight folks. Change is in the air. Help is coming. It is time to fix America's rudder, and get back on course. Stay alert, stay involved, and stay hopeful. Soon, the adults will be back in the room. 


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