Thursday, June 10, 2021

And now - 1,000,000 more illegals under Biden

"In the not too distant past, for a President to intentionally put the country at risk, would have been met with a quick impeachment and a quick dismissal via Senate trial. No longer. Biden, who is wrecking the country in broad daylight, in view of just about everyone, has an approval rating in the 60 percent range."

The good news and the bad news. Okay - there is no good news. Now the bad news. Under Biden, we are on track to get 1,000,000 more illegals coming up through the southern border this year. In May, Border Patrol apprehended over 180,000 people. In just one month. Plus - that is the number which were apprehended. It does not count the number of "get aways". How big of a number is 1,000,000? The size of Columbus, Ohio. Biden and the socialists have a plan, and it seems to be working perfectly. The plan is to flood the zone with illegals. Congrats, America wreckers. You plan is coming together.

Between the cost of the trip, and the cost of the aid promised, we taxpayers payed billions to send Commie Harris to Guatemala and Mexico. Why? To search out the "root cause" of illegal immigration. Hey Commie, do you want to know the answer? It does not lie in the Triangle Countries, nor Mexico. It lies on the southern border. The cause lies with you and your boss (not to mention your puppet masters).

The American people, the real people, are reaching their tipping point with Harris and Biden. If the plan is to once again tilt this next election by using slight of hand (this time will illegals), I shudder to think what the outcome will be. If ballot harvesting and illegal voting lead to another unearned socialist victory in 2022, the ramifications could be dire. It is imperative that for the sake of the Union, we get our voting squared away, and squared away now. November of 2022 is not that far away.

Here are more more problems with the 1,000,000 illegals expected to broach our southern border this year. Drugs. Gangs. Trafficking. Tucker Carlson went to Honduras to interview MS-13 gang members in prison down there. One gang member, who agreed to talk to Tucker, admitted to being in the United States (illegally). When asked how he got here, he nonchalantly said he rode on a train going north. Easy, peasy. 

In the not too distant past, for a President to intentionally put the country at risk, would have been met with a quick impeachment and a quick dismissal via Senate trial. No longer. Biden, who is wrecking the country in broad daylight, in view of just about everyone, has an approval rating in the 60 percent range. This speaks volumes about the electorate more so than what it says about the Democrats. That this many people can be cowed by these phonies, is a head scratcher for sure. 

I was going to write about the military today. About how the new enemies today are (per Biden), global warming and white nationalism. But I could not do it. It would have been too painful to write about. Maybe tomorrow.   


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