Friday, June 4, 2021

The biggest lie of all...

"I am talking about a corrosion so intense, so deep, so vile, the rot is already starting. And the MSM? They are in lockstep behind this puppet. It is like watching the Stepford Wives, live and in color."

To all my friends, who somehow got duped into voting for Slo Joe, how are you doing today? Buyer's remorse set in as yet? Feeling a bit foolish? I understand why you got so frustrated with our former President. I mean, anyone would have, if they were not paying attention to the facts and the details. The MSM went on a 24 X 7 rant on how bad Orange Man was. It was the most egregious dereliction of duty for any major profession I have seen in my lifetime. All the morons who work for the MSM should be fired - immediately.

Well that was then, and this is now. The nightmare many of us have dreaded, is here. We have a puppet for a President, controlled by true enemies of the state. I am talking about a corrosion so intense, so deep, so vile, the rot is already starting. And the MSM? They are in lockstep behind this puppet. It is like watching the Stepford Wives, live and in color. Only this is not fiction. It is as real as real can get.

So what is the "big lie" Bird? Enough dancing around, trying to make Biden voters feel guilty. Yesterday, my wife and I had to go to Costco to buy some items. Buy any meat lately? The price of beef is like what Kobe Beef is in Tokyo. Only Kobe Beef is a specialty item. Ground beef in America, is not. So why bring this up?

Watching a financial show earlier this week, the tax increase proposal Slo Joe is trying to sell to us, was discussed. "Nobody, not one person, who makes under $400,000/year is going to pay an additional penny in income tax!" So yells Slo Joe to the lapdog media and his minions. That is a bald face lie. He should get 1,000 Pinocchio's for that one. 

As most economists who are worth their salt (and honest) will tell you, inflation is a tax. Only this tax is very regressive. It hits the poorest folks the hardest. Right now, if we take the price of food and fuel into the equation (for some reason that always gets left out), our inflation rate is very close to 20%. Let that sink in just for a minute. If we had a real President instead of an accidental puppet, this issue would be front and center. The NUMBER ONE priority. Instead, Slo Joe is only worried about climate change and equity. Things only a Manchurian Candidate would be concerned with, during these most troubled times. 

Buckle up folks. The money in your wallets is about to get stretched very thin. But, who then, is looking out for your interests these days? Not Mayor Frey. Not Governor Walz. Not President Biden. Gosh - what do all these blue losers have in common? Socialists, all. That is all you need to know. You are nothing but cash registers to them, needed to feed the vile future plans of apparatchik socialists.

Bottom line? You are on your own. Help is not coming. Not from this crew. Good luck to us all.   

1 comment:

  1. Which is a good reason for preparing to help ourselves--& each other.
