Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A most tangled web of deceit...

"Okay China. That is the accusation by many right now. Prove us wrong. Open up your labs. And what if they don't? Ask Mr. Biden what his next move will be. And that next move better not be nappy time. This is as real as real gets Biden. Now put your big boy pants on, and deal with this issue."

By the time all the truth is known, if it ever is known, it will be interesting to see just how many people, and or organizations, and or governments are involved in this entire virus caper. The feeling I have right now, as well as many, many others is simply this - the truth has taken a back seat in trying to understand this entire Wuhan flu debacle. There are many dirty hands in this, and yes, some might even be American.

I don't want to go over the same ground I plowed yesterday. We all know that China is dirty - very dirty on this. But China may have been too cute by half in trying to cover their dastardly deed. This morning on the news, Dr. Muller was interviewed. Dr. Muller was one of the two scientists who wrote that article in the WSJ on June 6th. The one which said from a forensic standpoint, this virus could not have evolved naturally. Period. End of story. It was manufactured by a gain of function method of gene splicing.

So, here is the $64,000 question. Now that we know China (the CCP of China) was dirty on causing this world wide massacre, what are we going to do about it? Does Mr. "Sippy Cup", "Put a cap on it", have the guts to grab Xi (figuratively) by the short hairs? I mean, China has just about the entire world cowed for some reason or other. Don't think so? Let's look at the UK.

Right now, the UK has the international legal authority go back into Hong Kong and once again claim it as theirs. They could, and they should, abrogate the Sino-British Joint Declaration Treaty. Why? It is worth less than toilet paper. The CCP could not wait to violate this treaty. It was signed in 1997, and by 2014, MPs in Parliament already were saying China was in full breach of this treaty. Hong Kong was supposed to have been autonomous until 2047 (50 years after signing). How is that working out for Hong Kong? Poorly, very poorly.

What is Great Britain going to do about China? For what they are doing to Hong Kong? Nada. Zip. Zero. Why? The Brits are cowed by China. Scared silly. What is the UN going to do about China, when the forensic evidence is absolute and immutable on the Wuhan lab involvement in making this virus? Again, crickets. 

Here is the biggest fear of many who study China and how they behave. Covid-19 might have only been a dry run. A dry run which got out of the lab by accident. Here is where the speculation comes in. Speculation which might have many grains of truth imbedded in it. The CCP wants to make a super killer. A lethal virus. One which can be made only by the most sophisticated gain of function gene splicing. Call it a "pass over" virus. It will pass over any and all who have Chinese DNA. For the rest of us, this virus could be a death sentence.

Okay China. That is the accusation by many right now. Prove us wrong. Open up your labs. And what if they don't? Ask Mr. Biden what his next move will be. And that next move better not be nappy time. This is as real as real gets Biden. Now put your big boy pants on, and deal with this issue.



  1. "Call it a "pass over" virus. It will pass over any and all who have Chinese DNA."

    AFAIK this is currently mere speculation. And if such a plan was enacted, it'd be an invitation for a nuclear response.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
