Saturday, June 26, 2021

Giggles, whispers and dog whistles...

"Giggles, whispers and dog whistles. Welcome to the wacky world of now. Seems we can't communicate anymore by just talking to each other. Obama put an end to that by making us tribal."

Remember back in the good old days (pre-Biden), when you had to be so careful of what you said? If you said the right "trigger" word, mostly by accident, the left would accuse you of using a "dog whistle". "Dog whistle"? What the heck is a "dog whistle"? It was one of those code words which only (gasp!) White Supremists could understand. I would like to give you a few examples of these "dog whistle" words, but I don't know of any. In fact, I don't know of a one.

Today, under the Biden Administration, we have something new. Giggles and whispers. Huh? What? The art form of giggling like a school girl, has been perfected by our Vice President. She is so good at it, that she will giggle at just about anything - funny or not. In fact, she giggles more than someone who is stoned on pot. Like, what is funny to her? The border crisis for one. As serious as that crisis is, it is a hoot and a holler to her. For her own safety, we better keep her away from the building collapse in Miami. Giggling down there could be very risky.

And now whispers. We have a new form of communication by the President. Here is an example: When asked by a reporter how we can fill some of the millions of unfilled jobs, Slo Joe leaned into the mic and said "Hey small business owners. I know how to get people back to work." Then came the barely audible whisper - "Pay them more."

Of course Joe! Why didn't we think of that? If McDonalds paid $100/hour, I dare say 100% of their openings would be filled. I would even come out of retirement and go back to work. So what if the customers have to pay $25 for a gut bomb burger? The openings would be filled. Joe Biden is so smart on small businesses. Or big businesses. It must be all that experience he has had in running businesses. In fact, I am going out on a limb here. Joe Biden might even be as smart as Mazie Hirono.

Giggles, whispers and dog whistles. Welcome to the wacky world of now. Seems we can't communicate anymore by just talking to each other. Obama put an end to that by making us tribal.

Gone are the days of clear and precise speaking, as in the Gettysburg Address. Now we have mumbles, whispers, and gaffs. A Brave New World? It is here folks, we are living it. And I don't like it.  

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