Thursday, June 24, 2021

Are we between a rock and a hard place?

"As a nation we are finally coming out of this thing (hopefully). I hope and pray this is the one and only time, we have to take an experimental vaccine to fight of some 'super bug' coming out of China."

What the what is going on? Yesterday, the inventor (Dr. Robert Malone) of the mRNA vaccines (like most of what is being offered right now to fight Covid - 19), gave a dire warning. And it had to do with this unexplained myocarditis or pericarditis in some young people who have received the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. Mostly young men, mostly after the second shot. Not a huge number, but a number never-the-less.

This type of news puts many of us between a rock and a hard place. In a normal world, most would have NEVER taken an experimental vaccine. Even though mRNA was tested, and tested again, this vaccine has never received final approval by the FDA. Why? No time. Covid - 19 was hitting our population particularly hard. mRNA technology has been known about for over a decade now, and this was a perfect opportunity to use it on Operation Warp Speed

One of the doctors who regularly appears on Fox News, said we will not meet the President's goal of 70% immunized by July 4th - but we will be close. She also said that young people, who have recently had Covid, probably don't need to be vaccinated. I will go one step further. I have friends who have decided for one reason or another, not to get vaccinated. To me, it is a personal decision. I will not judge a person's decision on vaccine, one way or another.

Another doctor was on the news last week, and had an interesting perspective. He thinks the nation is already at "herd immunity". Even though not everyone is immunized, many folks have antibodies from having Covid, and others just have a natural immunity. Plus, many are taking supplements such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D3 for extra protection.

Here is the kicker. This new Delta variant, which came out of India, has many of our health professionals very worried. It is more transmissible, and if caught, more severe. The docs are now looking at our entire population as a weighted gamble. One big testing ground.

Yes, there have been some problems. Even deaths. But the vast majority of those who received the vaccine did not have any problems - hopefully never will. But in states like Missouri, less than 40% are immunized (one county, less than 13%). The Delta variant is hitting that state hard, filling up the ICU beds.

As a nation we are finally coming out of this thing (hopefully). I hope and pray this is the one and only time, we have to take an experimental vaccine to fight of some "super bug" coming out of China.

I just want to get to the place again, when someone in a crowd sneezes, it does not have the same effect as a bomb going off. That is when I think we return to "normal". 


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