Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Deal breaker(s)

"How in the world did we get here? Oh yes, that is right. We picked a carpetbagger like Walz over Jeff Johnson in 2018. Then we picked a gaff artist like Biden over Donald Trump in 2020. I guess we now have the government(s) we deserve."   

A friend of mine would say something about people who could not be trusted. Who were double dealers. Who were dishonest. "That person is a piece of work!". Actually, sometimes the word "work" was replaced with another word, much more tawdry. You will never guess who came to mind recently, when I heard that expression. That's right - everybody's pal, Slo Joe.

As the Natives would say many years ago, Biden often talks with a "forked tongue." Or to put it into today's more polite jargon, Joe Biden is at variance with the truth. How so? Joe Biden wants to have bills presented to him which are bi-partisan. That is a lie. But he was caught in this lie. It was right on the TV, brought to us, live and in color.

Infrastructure. A stripped down bill, with no "social engineering" dollars, nor tax increases included. Sounds like something Republicans could reach across the aisle and endorse. And they did. Biden was so happy, he announced to the nation that a bi-partisan group came to him with a passable bill. This will make Biden look VERY good! This was front page news. The logjam was broken. No more single party bills. No more Trump stand offs. We are going down a new path. But hold the phone.

Joe and his merry band of socialists in Congress, also want to put together an ancillary bill which would have all the crapola which was deleted from the bi-partisan bill. Consequently, this bill will not get any Republican votes. Biden knows that. The socialists know that. The House will pass the bill, and the Senate will pass it by reconciliation, with Commie Harris casting the tie breaking vote. Then both bills would be presented to Biden at the same time for signature. However, there was one problem. Biden blabbed the plan to the press prior to the plan working. He would not sign one without the other. The Republicans are furious over this deceit. Now the bi-partisan plan will probably come unraveled.

Slo Joe is not the only one who deals off the bottom of the deck. Our own Taxing Timmy does it also. The special session is coming to an end - quickly. One of the deals that Walz was going to agree to, was law enforcement changes. Both sides compromised on the changes and agreed to new language.

But hold on! Some BIPOC members of the House, called Walz out for being a female cat (if you know what I mean). Walz, being a man of resolute determination (satire), caved like a house of cards. He said he will take executive action to fix this misstep. Plus - (rumor has it), if Walz does not act quickly enough, or deep enough, some socialists might try to occupy the Capital in protest. It will be our own January 6th type of event. 

I have said this before. Our nation is about an inch away from being ungovernable. In an age where we need leaders who can lead, we get double dealers instead. Ideologues. Con artists. Where does that leave the rest of us? Scratching our collective heads.

How in the world did we get here? Oh yes, that is right. We picked a carpetbagger like Walz over Jeff Johnson in 2018. Then we picked a gaff artist like Biden over Donald Trump in 2020. I guess we now have the government(s) we deserve.   

1 comment:

  1. NObody deserves such gross incompetence, and those who voted for it "by mistake" or "not knowing any better" are generally insulate themselves from its toxic effects. For example, those who want to defund the police should give up all police protection immediately, including the right to call 911.
