Friday, June 25, 2021

The age of victimhood

"Victimhood. I really detest that word. It is harmful to so many. It is harmful to our country. This country means too much, to too many, to be harmed. Remember that Biden, as we shuffle you back to Delaware."   

Hello? Are you a victim? You should be. Right now, we have so many victims (per the Democrats) in this country, to not be a victim is "so yesterday". In fact, the number of victim classes has grown so fast, so deep, so wide, to be without victim status, puts you in a minority class. In fact, maybe even a victim class. You have been victimized by not being in a victim class. Sound goofy? You are right. Sound far fetched? Not under Slo Joe, and his merry group of socialists. Welcome to the Great Reset, circa 2021.

How bad has it gotten? This is panderfest on steroids. It seems like every piece of legislation which is being proposed in Washington these days, has mention of some poor, oppressed class of people. Even people who don't feel as if they have been oppressed. "Now sit down and shut up!", Biden seems to say. "If I say you are oppressed dam it, you are oppressed! Now take your taxpayer funded hand out!". Such is life in Biden's America.

Who then, are the oppressors? White Nationalists, silly! Everyone knows that! Or a term from the past - WASPS (White Anglo-Saxton Protestants). Now, there was a bunch of oppressors! Of course, I, as well as many (or most) of my friends, have never met a White Supremist. As far as I am concerned, this is just a Boogie Man term, that Biden loves to use. Biden, who worshipped at the alter of Senator Robert Byrd. I mean, who cares if Robert Byrd was a real White Supremist - a genuine KKK member. Biden still revered him.

Here is the deal folks (to use Slo Joe's favorite saying) - Just like Obama, Biden is trying to slice and dice up our people. He is trying to take e pluribus unum, and replace it with tribal, sub-tribal, and a sub, sub-tribal mentality. In other words, all the good things, all the good people, who have made this country great in the past - are now being canceled. America the great is being superseded with America the shameful. And Team Biden, is happy to share that revelation with the world. Even though it is absolutely false.

Listen up socialists. Listen up Biden minions. This is for you. America is now, and always has been, a great country. Made up of great people. Not victims, but patriots and citizens. Black people are not victims. White people are not victims. Brown people are not victims. Yellow people are not victims. Women are not victims. The alphabet people are not victims. The only people who are victims, are those who choose to be victims.

If you are active in politics right now - good. Stay that way. If you are a blue pill type of person, and just want to ignore what is going on, here is a news flash. This will not fix itself. We need all hands on deck for the 2022 election. Why? If we can't blunt Biden in 2022, 2024 might be too late. Already, we have tons of crap that Biden has created, which need to be fixed. 

Victimhood. I really detest that word. It is harmful to so many. It is harmful to our country. This country means too much, to too many, to be harmed. Remember that Biden, as we shuffle you back to Delaware.   


1 comment:

  1. I'd question whether Sloppy Joe will be able to run again in 2022--or even be in office. He seems that far gone.
