Sunday, August 11, 2024

"An amazing lack of curiosity..."

"When you see her or Walz coming on the TV, just reach for the mute button. If that does not help, you might also have to reach for a stiff adult beverage."  

The battle is now joined. Joe has stepped aside, and anointed his untrained, unwanted Veep as his successor. She has picked one of the weirdest governors in the union to be her running mate. That being said, let me detail what the lap dog media has found out so far about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. (The sound of crickets will now be noted.) That is right - nothing. Nada. Zip. 

Wait - what? Where is the anal exam that Donald Trump has endured for the past 8 years? One of the pundits has recently said this brief snippet of profundity - "The press has an amazing lack of curiosity with Harris and Walz". BINGO! Even after Harris let this whopper out on the campaign trail - "When I am president, my first priority will be to bring down costs." Really? Are you and Biden not the ones who jacked them up in the first place? That would have been the question I would have asked. But no - leave your mitts off the golden girl.

Or how about this one? "When I am president, I am going to take the tax off of tips." Really Kamala? Should we fine you for plagiarism first, as that is Donald Trump's idea? And by the way, isn't Harris part of the administration who wanted to hire an additional 80,000 IRS agents to go after "tax cheats". Like waitstaff who under-report their income by not totally disclosing tips? Where was the questions from the press? Instead, they will ask what kind of ice cream Kamala likes, or what kind of underwear that Tim Walz wears (like they asked Clinton when he was in office).

Kamala has shown she is very good at reading the teleprompter. In every state, the message is the same. Down to any corny jokes. What can you learn from attending a Harris campaign speech? Trump bad, I good. Other than that, you can learn that she is NOT the border czar - never has been. But that does not matter, because the border is just fine, that you. She and Joe fixed it. Trump, the racist, had mucked it up. But no worries - Kamala and Joe root caused the problems and fixed it. Now she wants to make all these "newcomers" - instant citizens.

As the Natives would say, "Kamala speaks with forked tongue". Here is the truth. Harris and Walz will govern in the future the exact same way they governed in the past. Know that to be a fact, and then you don't have to waste your time listening to one word coming out of her word salad. When you see her or Walz coming on the TV, just reach for the mute button. If that does not help, you might also have to reach for a stiff adult beverage.  

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