Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Can he stop the killing?

"The choice is ours in November. Re-elect a man who has been successful in everything he has done - including being president. Or - elect an empty suit who will take us into more war, more inflation, more immigration woes. Me? I will stick with the Don - every day of the week, and twice on Sunday."    

Can he stop the killing? Short answer - no. But he can slow it down. Here is something that many of us on the MAGA team understand about Donald Trump. He is somewhat of a peacenik. He detests war. That being said, Donald Trump is no shrinking violet when it comes to the use of force. He is a firm believer in the Reagan doctrine of "peace through strength." Plus, he is a man of his word. When he warned Iran not to harm any Americans, and then they killed an American contractor - well, we all know what happened to General Soleimani. Trump eviscerated him, by slicing and dicing him with a special Hellfire missile.

I have thought for a while now, that Donald Trump has a bit of John Donne in him. His credo could be, "Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind...". Shortly after the Ukranian War started, Trump was asked for his thoughts. "I just want the killing to stop. If I were still President, I could have talked Putin out of this war." Trump, who wrote "The Art of the Deal", probably could have. He would have offered some kind of "win-win" solution to Putin and Ukraine, so the war would have never happened. Hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved - both Ukranian and Russian. 

Donald Trump is convinced that the weakness and confusion we showed in our retreat from Afghanistan, and the loss of thirteen innocent American lives at Abby Gate, emboldened many evil and truculent forces to do unspeakable things. What did Joe Biden show the world in the way we left Afghanistan? America the world's policeman, just retired. America the friend to those who befriended us - were stabbed in the back. Joe Biden became "Hidden Biden", tucked in the confines of the White House basement. Meanwhile - Ukraine happened. The October 7th massacre in Israel (and subsequent war) happened. China invading Taiwan is close to happening.

One might ask, what is it about Donald Trump, who has done so much good for people, who helps his fellow man, who detests senseless killing - what is it that causes so many on the left to hate him? I have yet to figure this one out. Is Donald Trump a tough businessman? Yes. Is Donald Trump a tough counter puncher? Again, yes. Does Donald Trump love this great nation? Absolutely, yes. So, what is it then about Donald Trump, which causes such a "pucker factor" in Democrats?

We have the ability to get Donald Trump back in the White House next January. Should that happen, much of the killing will stop. Many of the border incursions will stop. Much of the inflation will stop. Reliance on foreign sources for gas and oil will stop. Or - we can elect another "empty suit". A woman who never garnered one vote when she ran for president. A woman whose limited vision for American is a mile wide and an inch deep. In other words, a phony.

The choice is ours in November. Re-elect a man who has been successful in everything he has done - including being president. Or - elect an empty suit who will take us into more war, more inflation, more immigration woes. Me? I will stick with the Don - every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.    

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